Two weeks ago, Marooners’ Rock wrote about the Kickstarter for Temtem, a Massively Multiplayer Creature Collection game. Today, Co-Founder of developer Crema Games, Enrique Panos, was kind enough to answer some of our questions for the team’s upcoming title.
Let us know what you think of TemTem, and if there are any other questions you need to be answered!
Where did the name Temtem come from?
We can say that it is not entirely invented, but we want to keep the meaning a secret for now.
What are you most proud of in your vision of Temtem?
We’re really proud of our vision to make Temtem very competitive. That’s one of our biggest focuses
with the game and we think if it works out well it’s going to become one of the biggest selling points for
the game.
How do you plan to support the game post-launch? Will there be added Temtem or even added
There are many possibilities and our idea is to support the game as long as we can. We’ll listen to the
community so we can implement what they prefer. This could be more islands, new features, we will
see. Right now we’d prefer to focus on finishing our vision for the game and then iterate on that.
What is a feature you know you won’t have ready for launch, but would love to implement at some
We want to have everything ready for launch, but it’s a 2 year roadmap. Eventually, we are pretty sure
the community will ask for something really cool that’s not in our roadmap and we’ll have to implement
it after launch, but at the moment I’m afraid we can’t answer the question.
Do you envision Temtem being a platform, or the first of many entries?
We’re not looking to Temtem’s future yet, as we’re very focused on the present. Taking the most out of
the Kickstarter campaign and delivering a good first Alpha are our main priorities. The future of Temtem
depends upon player reception.
Do you already have a favorite Temtem? What’s the story behind the creation of that one?
My favorite one is Tateru. Its personality is so charming and
What sets your game apart from Pokémon?
Actually, many things! We are heavily inspired by Pokémon and we’re not trying to hide that, but there
are many changes and additions to the formula. Here’s a list of what I think are the biggest ones:
– Massive Multiplayer: This is the most obvious one. Chatting, fighting, trading with other players you
see roaming the world itself is a feature which players have demanded for many years.
– Co-op Online: Since the game is focused on 2v2 battles, co-op is just a perfect fit. Both players will play
together in every battle.
– Battle System: While the Battle System is inherited from Pokémon (turn-based, 2v2…), we’re modifying
some of the basic rules. The most important one, and the one that will have the greatest impact is
removing all the random factors (critical, status effect with % chance, evasion, accuracy, and so on). That
requires a lot of small tweaks to the system as well as new mechanics. In the end, combat is going to
have its own identity while keeping the same essence.
– Housing: You’ll have the chance to have your own home in the neighborhood, and decorate it however
you’d like. Also, you’re going to be able to visit any player house with our neighborhood system.
– Guilds: It’s not yet confirmed, but it seems we could crush the 400k stretch goal. If so, Guilds will be
implemented. Our vision for Guilds include adding special Dojos around the world that could be
conquered by Guilds in weekly wars.
Will we actually care about the story?
Yes, we are taking care of the story and it’s the first time we’ve worked with a writer even before
beginning development. You can expect a good story.
What do you see as your toughest challenge ahead in preparing Temtem for launch?
With Temtem we want to include our community early on, right from the first playable version. That’s
going to be the biggest challenge because we need to maintain our vision with the game while
simultaneously listening to what the community wants for the game.
What do you hope people say about Temtem 10 years from now?
“Have you seen the new feature Temtem has included?”
We’d like to thank you for your time Enrique for joining us to talk more about your game. If you want to learn more about the game you can check out the Kickstart here.