Star Ocean: Anamnesis Coming To Mobile This July!

Closed Beta Applications and Pre-Registration Available!

“Star Ocean: Anamnesis,” Square Enix, Mobile- Main Art

Just today, Square Enix has announced that “Star Ocean: Anamnesis” will be coming to the App Store and Google Play in North America this July! This game is an all-new quest in the “Star Ocean” series, where you will take the role of Captain in leading your band of heroes through the galaxy.

The Game:

Players ought to have immense liberty when creating their teams filled with iconic and returning fan-favorite characters from the series. It is up to you how you want to balance your squad. Will you place an emphasis on attackers or sharpshooters to tear through your opposition? Will you err on the side of caution with defenders, invokers, and healers? Or will you create some combination capable of conquering worlds?

“Star Ocean: Anamnesis,” Square Enix, Mobile- Battle Screenshot 0290Square Enix assures us that the mobile controls have been specifically crafted for this game and will allow players to fully experience the rapid, real-time combat and stunning 3D graphics. You can also bring a friend along to complete missions together in a new co-op mode!

“Star Ocean: Anamnesis,” Square Enix, Mobile- Battle Screenshot 0238

Early Access:

Apple users get the sweet end of this deal, though. Registration is now open for the official Apple Testflight closed beta! You will be helping the developers create a better game and get to experience the game itself before anyone else!


You hardcore players out there also have the option to preregister through the “Star Ocean” Twitter, Facebook, and Google Play pages. The more people who pre-register, the more rewards each player will earn at launch! The more who get in on this, the better the rewards! Check out the picture below to see what we will get as more and more people sign on!

“Star Ocean: Anamnesis,” Square Enix, Mobile- Preregistration Campaign
Further Reading:

For more information on “Star Ocean: Anamnesis,” you can visit the “Star Ocean” website here, their Facebook page, or their Twitter feed!

An English and Western Laws & Ethics graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Matt’s doing his best to find his way back to Middle Earth or Naboo. However, the closest he can get is reading, writing, or gaming, so he’s trying to accept his lack of pet dragons and devoting himself to those things instead. In his spare time, he practices traditional Chinese Ken-Po in the hopes that he will someday become an Earth Bender.

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