The Spectrum Retreat Launch Trailer

"The Spectrum Retreat," Dan Smith, Ripstone Games, PS4, Xbox One, PC- Banner Modified

Two years ago, Dan Smith won the BAFTA Young Game Designers Award for his prototype of “The Spectrum Retreat.” Now he, with the aid of Ripstone, have finished the full game and will release it on July 10th for the PS4 and July 13th for Xbox One and PC! You can also save 10% on this first-person puzzle solver if you preorder it for the PS4 or Xbox One! At launch, “The Spectrum Retreat” will cost £9.99 / €12.99 / $12.99.

The Story:

Some time in the near future, you find yourself staying as a guest in The Penrose hotel. Everything seems to cater to your desires, as even the very halls are encoded to register your presence. While the resort is picturesque, though, you will soon find things a bit… unsettling. I mean, just look at that trailer! Creepy or what?! This is so exciting!

"The Spectrum Retreat," Dan Smith, Ripstone Games, PS4, Xbox One, PC- Screen Shot 1

“The game is now a must-play for fans of elegant first-person puzzle design. But remarkably it’s also a milestone in emotional, intelligent narrative adventure, especially for anyone interested in how new technologies might impact our lives very soon.” — Matt Southern, Head of Development at Ripstone Games

You will explore this hotel hoping to find the truth behind your stay and your own intentions here. As you do, color-coded first person puzzles and physics conundrums will hinder your progress through this art-deco hotel. Should you fail, it might turn out that your stay is permanent.

The Developers’ Take:

Designer Dan Smith was only 18 years old when he won his award for the prototype. Now he says that he is only too excited for people to play his full creation!

“The game has been a part of my life for the last five years and to get to this stage is hugely exciting. I’m really proud of the game, and working with Ripstone I’ve been able to create something that looks and plays great, with an intriguing story and new mechanics.” — Dan Smith, Designer of “The Spectrum Retreat”

"The Spectrum Retreat," Dan Smith, Ripstone Games, PS4, Xbox One, PC- Screen Shot 2"The Spectrum Retreat," Dan Smith, Ripstone Games, PS4, Xbox One, PC- Screen Shot 3"The Spectrum Retreat," Dan Smith, Ripstone Games, PS4, Xbox One, PC- PoolBoth Dan and Ripstone Games seem quite proud of their work and eager for us to experience it. Let’s hope that this game merits theirs and our excitement!

Preorder Details:

To preorder the game for the PS4 in the US, follow this link here!

To preorder a PS4 copy in the European Union, follow this one instead!

Preorders for all Xbox One versions can be found on this link!

An English and Western Laws & Ethics graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Matt’s doing his best to find his way back to Middle Earth or Naboo. However, the closest he can get is reading, writing, or gaming, so he’s trying to accept his lack of pet dragons and devoting himself to those things instead. In his spare time, he practices traditional Chinese Ken-Po in the hopes that he will someday become an Earth Bender.

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