To Hell with Hell – Retro-Roguelike Announced by Lazurite Games and Deck13

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Ready to cancel an apocalypse? Developer Lazurite Games and publisher Deck13 sure hope so, as they’ve announced their new bullet-hell roguelike shooter To Hell with Hell today in Franfurt, Germany. Players will slip into the high-heels of Natasia, a stripper on her way to work when all hell breaks loose – literally.

Launching into Steam Early Access on PCs this July 19th, players will be thrown straight into the fight against the hordes of Lucifer himself. According to the developers, (who clearly don’t take themselves too seriously) players can expect the following as key features:

  • Masks! Since you’re wearing a bikini you should probably cover yourself behind masks (super effective!), transforming you into a knight, a demon or even a clown.
  • Tons and tons of weapons! You can even use a unicorn to slay your enemies (SERIOUSLY!).
  • Hell. For real. But also other places… because reasons.
  • Randomly generated levels – you’ll never know what to expect after each and every death. And there’ll be lots of deaths.
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    Here’s a surprise. Hell froze over, and you’ve got a flamethrower.

To Hell with Hell is planned to stay in Steam Early Access for approximately one year. During the EA period the game will receive its full story, balancing, and a progression system will be added.

Lazurite Games is a new studio founded in November of 2017 by a group of industry veterans who were “bored with creating F2P games”. Evidently, having experienced development hell for who knows how long, they decided to vent their frustrations in the creation of To Hell with Hell. One hopes that they didn’t have too much crunch time involved here.

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And here’s a big fire monster boss thing.

Deck13 has been a development studio since 2001, who recently have branched out into publishing indie games. Their goals as a publisher are to support other indie devs and provide them with greater opportunities for success. Gamers interested in learning more about To Hell with Hell are advised to check out the game’s official Twitter, or the official Steam page.


Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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