Ubisoft Introduces New Pirate Shared World, Skull & Bones

Ubisoft Introduces New Pirate Shared World, Skull & Bones

YES! Ubisoft is finally making a new pirate game! I think we can all agree that Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag is one of the best in the series. The reason is worked so well was not because it was a good AC game, but it was the best pirate simulator we’ve ever had. It seems that Ubisoft had established a nice foundation with it’s satisfying ship combat and open-ended sea exploration. It’s no surprise that Ubisoft is now developing a full fledged pirate adventure, Skull and Bones.

We got to see some gameplay as well at Ubisoft’s E3 press briefing, we got to see more in-depth what the game is going to entail. As one might have expected, the ship combat is extremely reminiscent of Black Flag, but hey don’t fix what’s not broken. The biggest surprise, however, is the inclusion of multiplayer. In Skull and Bones, the Indian Ocean will become a shared world for pirates to band together and fend off their enemies. Or if they want, they can betray their fellow pirates.

Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones releases in 2019.

He just graduated from Western Illinois University where all he did was write. On his free time he enjoys going out to Chicago and enjoying the company of his friends. Also, Go Cubs!!! His favorite game is Borderlands 2, favorite movie is The Social Network, and his favorite TV show is Dexter. Yes, he has very diverse taste.

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