Wild Mage: Phantom Twilight Update

Treasure Hunt and Cross Platform Release Announced

"Wild Mage- Phantom Twilight," Luna Orion Studios, PC, Switch, PS4, XBox One- Etherion Night

We have just had word that “Wild Mage: Phantom Twilight” has met both their funding and stretch goals on Kickstarter! This open-world Action RPG should release for Early Access on Steam in Quarter 4 of 2019, which means likely around October. Now that the studio Luna Orion has met its stretch goals, this game will also later become available on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One!

“We have had a tremendous campaign [that] has exceeded our expectations in every way… We already have an incredibly supportive and resourceful community worth more than anything else! With that kind of support, we feel that sky’s the limit and we’re more motivated than ever to make Wild Mage something that our backers are proud to be a part of!” — Lucas McCann, Owner of Luna Orion and lead developer of Wild Mage: Phantom Twilight.

For those who missed our last post about this game, “Wild Mage” has you playing as, you guessed it, a Wild Mage. These mages act as the primary agents for the Tower of Heaven. What exactly that tower is or does has not been disclosed. Still, it is your job to rescue adventurers, escort airships, make the occasional delivery, and sometimes reclaim islands."Wild Mage- Phantom Twilight," Luna Orion Studios, PC, Switch, PS4, XBox One- Etherion Night

You see, the surface world is covered in a purple miasma that spews forth ravenous monsters. Civilization has resorted to living on a series of floating islands that hover above the mist. However, the crystals powering their flight have begun to weaken, so every now and then one will dip below the mists and become infested with vicious creatures.

The main selling point for “Wild Mage” seems to be its entirely destructible environment. Voxels make up the floating islands, meaning that you can tunnel through them or blow them up outright with a powerful enough spell. The game’s various structures, like bridges, houses, and such, are susceptible to damage from spells and monsters as well. Fire also propagates, so if you aren’t careful in dealing with a dragon, you might lose the whole town to an inferno. Even the enemies can be sliced apart or crushed according to how and where you hit them!

"Wild Mage- Phantom Twilight," Luna Orion Studios, PC, Switch, PS4, XBox One- Girl Rampage

Otherwise, the game holds to the Action RPG genre, relying on player skill, quick reactions, and strategic ability selection and augmentation. There is also apparently a crafting system which might require that you mine your resources from the islands themselves. It could also be that you use relics that you find in your ingredients or as your latest weapon. It could be that you make a creation so powerful that it will be remembered for eons as a relic in its own right.

Luna Orion is also offering something of a scavenger hunt for its backers on Kickstarter, starting June 15th! Players will receive an island to demo and should look for the 10 treasure chests hidden throughout it and the dungeon."Wild Mage- Phantom Twilight," Luna Orion Studios, PC, Switch, PS4, XBox One- Treasure Chest Hunt

Should a player find a chest, they are to take a screenshot and post it on the “Wild Mage” Kickstarter comment thread. Doing so will earn the player an immediate upgrade to the next tier of the Kickstarter pledge hierarchy, REGARDLESS of the financial gap in pledge levels.

For more information on the scavenger hunt, follow this link! You can also visit the main website here or follow their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube pages!

An English and Western Laws & Ethics graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Matt’s doing his best to find his way back to Middle Earth or Naboo. However, the closest he can get is reading, writing, or gaming, so he’s trying to accept his lack of pet dragons and devoting himself to those things instead. In his spare time, he practices traditional Chinese Ken-Po in the hopes that he will someday become an Earth Bender.

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