Hand of Fate 2 Releases on Nintendo Switch!

"Hand of Fate 2," Defiant Development, PC, Switch- Switch

Defiant Development has decided to expand their repertoire and is porting “Hand of Fate 2” to the Nintendo Switch! This critically acclaimed RPG/board game mashup will be available for your device on July 17th! To top it off, this version will even include all of the DLCs that featured on the PC release.

This sequel follows a new hero, who must contend with the series’s antagonist, the Dealer, who seems rather frustrated by his downfall at the height of the first game. Now, he seeks revenge and aims to use you as his instrument.

“Our team is thrilled to finally announce [that] ‘Hand of Fate 2’ is coming to Nintendo Switch. We are very much looking forward to seeing fans having the opportunity to take the game on the go with this exciting new platform.” —Morgan Jaffit, Director at Defiant Development

The player collects cards which represent equipment, enemies, encounters, booty, and some surprises. These cards get shuffled into the Dealer’s own deck of challenges. He then deals cards in a pattern akin to a dungeon’s floor plan. The hero(ine) then must navigate this layout and face various obstacles, from hack-and-slash fights to exploration to mini-games that have as much chance to ruin the hero as they do reward. For all of you D&D fans out there, this game features some very familiar storytelling and decision making that may entice you.

"Hand of Fate 2," Defiant Development, PC, Switch- The Dealer Card

Improving on the series’s original title, “Hand of Fate 2” features a slew of new features. For example, there is now an overworld map, which better shows the layout of your challenges, new tabletop-style mini games, and various companions including the Dealer himself! Players also have the option of exploring side-quests to strengthen themselves and gain perks for outside of combat.

"Hand of Fate 2," Defiant Development, PC, Switch- The Dealer

The game includes smoother, more involved combat and an engrossing story with more content releases promised on the horizon! For more about “Hand of Fate 2” and Defiant Development, visit their website, Steam page, Facebook, or Twitter accounts! You can also check out our review of the PC version here.

An English and Western Laws & Ethics graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Matt’s doing his best to find his way back to Middle Earth or Naboo. However, the closest he can get is reading, writing, or gaming, so he’s trying to accept his lack of pet dragons and devoting himself to those things instead. In his spare time, he practices traditional Chinese Ken-Po in the hopes that he will someday become an Earth Bender.

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