tinyBuild Announces Five New Games At PAX West!

tinyBuild Announces Five New Games At PAX West!

The folks at tinyBuild have been rather busy lately. For most companies, a major game convention is an opportunity to announce one, maybe two games. Not tinyBuild, who kicked off the four-day PAX West show, by announcing five new games that will be coming out either later this year, or sometime next year!

First up is Hellpoint, developed by Cradle Games, a dark sci-fi RPG aimed at both PC and consoles. Set in the aftermath of a massive cataclysm, players board a derelict space station to solve what caused a massive quantum catastrophe. Due out in 2019.

Next, people just can’t get enough of the Hello Neighbor universe. Telling the story of the events happening right before the main game, Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek should maybe answer a few lingering questions in the Hello Neighbor story, while doubtless adding a few questions of its own. The alpha demo is out now, and the full game is expected for PCs before the end of 2018.

unDungeon is a unique pixel art take on the action/RPG genre. With a twist on the fantasy genre that hearkens back to classic ’90s RPGs, this game should be showing up on PCs sometime in 2019.

Fresh off the release of Graveyard Keeper, developer Lazy Bear Games is now hard at work on their next title, Swag & Sorcery. Billed as the ultimate pen & paper RPG simulation experience, Swag & Sorcery is due out for PC sometime in 2019.

Finally, Pandemic Express promises players a whole new kind of First-Person Shooter experience.  Developed internally by tinyBuild, Pandemic Express puts player into a group trying to escape on a train from a horde of zombies. Of course, it’s not going to be just that simple. Now in very early alpha, the game is expected out sometime in 2019.

Kudos to tinyBuild for kicking off PAX West in a big way! We look forward to seeing a lot more of these games in the coming months.

Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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