‘Cities: Skylines’ Arrives on Nintendo Switch Today

Cities: Skylines

Paradox Interactive announced today that it’s bringing best-selling city builder, Cities: Skylines, to the Nintendo Switch, marking the publisher’s first entry into the portable gaming realm. “Cities is the first Paradox title on any Nintendo platform, and we are very eager to get the game out to Switch players,” said Sandra Neudinger, Product Manager from Paradox Interactive. “This is an exciting opportunity for the game – for us internally, for current players, and for new players to come. It’s very cool to experience a portable version of Cities: Skylines, so players can now carry their city with them, finding inspiration wherever they go. Imagination is the only limit, we can’t wait to see what players dream and build up.”

Originally created by Colossal Order, Cities: Skylines, boasts a highly-immersive environment that accounts for many of the finer nuances of building and maintaining a sprawling metropolis. Some of its key features include: balancing the diverse needs of your citizens to provide them the best education, healthcare, and economic opportunity possible; creating an easily adaptable infrastructure that can handle public transportation as well as rush hour traffic; writing policies that affect your city’s bureaucratic process and public opinion of how well you can do your job as Mayor. Make good choices and your city could be a utopia for all. Make bad choices and it could function more like a Mafia-controlled Las Vegas.

Cities: Skylines also features two expansions, After Dark and Snowfall, that not only stress-test your city’s infrastructure with heatwaves and snowstorms, but also adds economic opportunity for a bustling nightlife and daytime tourism—and maybe works your police force overtime with all the misadventures of your citizens.

You can visit Paradox’s website for more information. Cities: Skylines is available now for $39.99 MSRP, and is also available for PC, Mac, Linux, Win10, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Joanna Nelius is a Southern California native who was raised on age-inappropriate games, yet somehow turned out alright. She has been an editor and contributor for several small gaming publications, as well as speculative fiction and academic magazines, for the last few years. When she has some free time, she usually spends it exploring abandoned buildings or watching Unsolved Mysteries—and finding good homes for her twisted horror and sci-fi stories.

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