SUPER BOMBERMAN R Adds Castlevania Stages, Characters and more!

SUPER BOMBERMAN R Adds Castlevania Stages, Characters and more!

The team over at Konami is proud to announced a new update for SUPER BOMBERMAN R which features new platform exclusive characters and three new Castlevania-themed stages. These items can be unlocked in the game shop using earned free gems. Lately Konami, has been taking it a step further with new content for this title. I myself have enjoyed playing this game with friends locally to pass time.

What’s new to those picking up the game now and those that own the game already? Fans can experience the Castlevania franchise like never before with three new stages to battle in Grand Prix Mode. With the introduction of the new Civilian rule, players can indulge in more competitive gameplay with double the amount of Barom to collect. The three new Castlevania stages where the Civilian rule can be used include:

Additional content updates for SUPER BOMBERMAN R include the following:

  • 10 New Characters
  • 8 Shiny Bombers are now available on all platforms
  • Bomber Time events (Limited time only) – Scheduled online events allowing players the chance to double gem/BP when participating in the Online Battle Mode (visit the official website for a schedule of the Bomber Time events).
  • New abilities for current characters
  • Fun new accessories

Avid collector of Funko Pop! items, Pokemon and video games. Raises money for Extra Life since 2012. When I'm not collecting great things or helping kids and others via charity. I'm writing news, previews, reviews, and running giveaways. You can reach me at andrew at maroonersrock dot com as well.

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