When we’d last left Kaelisse and Landralus, it was a couple of days before The Battle for Azeroth hit and shook everything up once again. Landralus had completed basic Monk training in Pandaria, and was ready for the new expansion, or so I thought. Lissy was off chasing critters to be Azeroth’s greatest pet trainer, and was far too busy to notice some minor incidents like Lady Sylvanus burning down Teldrassil in her ongoing campaign as Horde Warchief to Make Azeroth Great Again.
With Lissy’s attention still mostly fixated on pet taming, it fell to Landralus to take on the Battle for Azeroth for the Alliance. Surprisingly, he would be thrown squarely into the middle of it from my first log-in. Evidently, since I hadn’t done anything beyond the introduction with him previously, the new expansion reset Landralus to no skills, and tasked him to go through the class tutorial again. This turned out to be a very good thing, since the tutorial had been totally revamped for The Battle for Azeroth. Rather than the previous Burning Legion focused adventure, Landralus now got to participate in the battle of the Horde and Alliance forces over the ruined city of Lordaeron.
After that epic opening, he was summoned elsewhere to receive his new Heart of Azeroth. The Battle for Azeroth removes the artifact gear of the previous expansion, replacing them with Azerite infused armor and weapons which enhance various existing class skills. With his first piece equipped, Landralus was ready to accompany Lady Jaina Proudmoore to Kul Tiras in an effort to mend broken bonds and convince Azeroth’s greatest shipbuilders to align with the Alliance once again.
To say that the initial visit to Kul Tiras doesn’t go well would be an understatement. Jaina and her group are captured, and sentenced to death. Fortunately, one of Landralus’s cellmates helps break him free. Kul Tiras has bigger problems to worry about than a minor jailbreak, because once Landralus is free, he’s able to wander about the continent at well. It seems that not everyone is pleased with the way the Proudmoores’ authority has been slowly usurped by mercantile powers. A few outlying territories maintain ties to the Proudmoore name, but Landralus will have to help things along.
From here things spiraled into the familiar pattern of “Go to new area, collect quests, solve quests, continue.” Each area has a unique story associated with it, however, and a different look and feel. There is some really fun writing here, where Blizzard’s writers clearly had a lot of fun. Some fun Easter eggs, like tributes to Calvin and Hobbes and Winnie The Pooh, can also be found.

Landralus blundered across Azeroth’s equivalents of Christopher Robin, Eyeore, Winnie the Pooh, and Tigger
Alas, Landralus seems to have been cursed with the same ADHD affliction as Lissy. Partway through his work to save Kul Tiras, he got distracted by an expedition to Zandalar. Then he discovered Garrisons. Oh dear. At least pets and mounts are largely account bound, so Lissy’s adventures help out Landralus too. I’ll have to try and get Landralus back on track next time.