Fallout 76 Presents Helmets for Habitat

Fallout 76 Presents Helmets for Habitat

Bethesda has partnered up with Xbox and HYPERMAKER to bring you #HelmetsforHabitat. HYPERMAKER is an online fashion and streetware store known for its wide range of custom art. This initiative will auction off custom designed Fallout 76 T-51 power armor helmets to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.

Proceeds from the auction will be donated to help build homes in the U.S. and over 70 countries around the world. This isn’t the first time Bethesda has partnered with Habitat for Humanity. Bethesda has also donated proceeds from the sale of “Take Me Home Country Roads” cover that played in the Fallout 76 trailer. They even have included sales from the traveling Mement-o-Matic coin press machine. Bethesda hopes to raise a minimum of $100,000 for Habitat for Humanity between these charitable initiatives.

Fallout 76 may be just a game, but it is a great thing to be able to bring the medium beyond entertainment. The money raised from this will help people without homes and make a real impact in the lives of many. Hopefully, this will set a trend in motion for other AAA developers to follow.

The helmets will be displayed from October 25th through November 14th in New York. There you can also find a “Special Exhibit” on the third floor.
Visit Paddle8 to view the helmets and bid on the custom T-51 Power Armor pieces.

Dalin is newer to the writing scene, but enjoys sharing his thoughts on a scattershot of games. From indy platformers to AAA shooters, Dalin plays anything he can get his hands on.

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