Kingdom Hearts 3 Leaks Before Release Date

Kingdom Hearts 3 Leaks Before Release Date

Kingdom Hearts 3 fans be warned, copies of the upcoming title have been leaked six weeks before the release date. The game is currently scheduled to be released in Japan on January 25th and everywhere else on the 29th. Although the game is over a month away from its official release, copies of the game have started to emerge. Earlier today a Facebook user posted a listing for Kingdom Hearts 3 to the marketplace. In this post, the individual stated that he had 30+ copies of the game for sale for $100 each. When confronted about the authenticity of the post, the user provided a picture of him holding the game.

The Twitter users, known by the handle Nibel and AllGamesDelta, shared evidence of the leaked physical copies. The image Nibel provided displays an individual holding an Xbox One copy of Kingdom Hearts 3 and the game downloading on the Xbox One. AllGamesDelta’s post showed the same picture of the game, but stated, “Someone that has access to the SE distribution chain stole 30+ copies of Kingdom Hearts 3 and is now selling them for $100. I won’t link to the videos or any spoilers.”

According to a close source, copies of the game have been spotted on the Dark Web with the original poster stating that they only have 10 copies of the game left. With the decrease in supply, the user has increased the selling price to over $250. This is the second AAA title to have leaked before its official release date this month. Earlier this month, digital copies of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate were leaked a week before the games official release. For anyone who watched The Game Awards, Nintendo and Super Smash Brothers Ultimate had a huge presence to try to boost the games sales numbers after the leak.

For fans of the franchise, we would recommend staying off certain Kingdom Hearts accounts on social media and avoid searching Kingdom  Hearts in search engines or Youtube.

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Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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