Blazing Chrome Gets New Gameplay Trailer

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Have you heard of Blazing Chrome? The retro, Contra inspired 16-bit side-scroller is slated for a 2019 release, and just released a fantastic new gameplay trailer showcasing two minutes of bullet-hell gameplay that takes us back to the ’90s.

The gameplay  trailer is taken from stage 4-1, and makes us hope that some version of the Konami code will be available to input at the start of the game.

The official story of Blazing Chrome is that it’s set in a world where militant AI-fueled computers rule the Earth. Meanwhile, humans are expendable, lacking power, prestige or status among their machine overlords. Players can choose to play as Mavra, a super badass human resistance soldier, or Doyle, the equally groovy and deadly insurgent robot. Operating as the lead element of a small group of rebels attempting to overthrow their AI oppressors, players will have to navigate through five different environments featuring fast-paced action and powerups where big guns and guts are the only path to freedom.

Blazing Chrome is being developed by Brazilian development duo Joy Smasher, and is being published by The Arcade Crew, a Dotemu subsidiary. According to the game’s Steam page, it should be available sometime in the first quarter of 2019. The game is slated for release for PCs on Steam, plus the Sony PlayStation®4 and Nintendo Switch.

Sandworm! Blazing Chrome

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.”

The difference between The Arcade Crew and the rest of Dotemu was elaborated by CEO Cyrille Imbert. In an interview he said “The Arcade Crew capitalizes on an existing framework of development and production within Dotemu but retains a different strategy of focusing on producing and publishing new games, whereas Dotemu will retain its core strategy of reviving loved and known franchises from the past. In that sense we are not another indie label.”

We’ll be keeping an eye out for a release date for Blazing Chrome in the near future, and practicing our Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-B-A-Select-Start input just in case it matters again.


Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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