Iron Sky The Coming Race Has New Trailer

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Remember 2012? It really wasn’t that long ago. We still had a decent sense of humor about things, nobody knew what a Cardi B was, and Facebook was still a fun place. Also, cult classic Iron Sky hit theaters with a story of Moon Nazis invading the Earth in the far off year of 2018.

Time to kick off 2019 with a new entry in the Iron Sky universe! Iron Sky The Coming Race is set twenty years after the events of the first movie, and involves, well, maybe just watch the trailer.

There’s a whole lot to unpack here. Hollow Earth, dinosaurs, moon dinosaurs, and moon Hitler on a moon T-Rex, just to point out a few things. It’s definitely an early contender for “Best Movie Featuring Dinosaurs” in 2019.

Iron Sky The Coming Race had an interesting road to getting made. A very successful Kickstarter campaign ensured funding for both this movie and The Ark – An Iron Sky Story. Now the battle is on for global distribution and the chance to see this movie in theaters somewhere.

Fans in Scandinavian countries will get a chance catch the movie in theaters when it premiers in Stockholm, Oslo, and Copenhagen. The world-wide premier in Helsinki will be livestreamed around the world.

Outside of Scandinavia, an up to date list of distributors can be found at this handy link. As of this writing it appears that distribution agreements are in place to get this film into France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece/Cyprus, Poland, the United Kingdom, China, India, Pakistan, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and most Middle Eastern countries. The U.S. is currently out in the cold. Hopefully that will change soon.

In the meantime, the original Iron Sky is currently available on Amazon for streaming as part of Amazon Prime, or available on Blu-Ray and DVD. It’s a perfect time to catch up with the cult classic that started this whole thing.

Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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