Nintendo of Europe Tweets Upcoming Indie Highlights Date And Time

Nintendo of Europe Tweets Upcoming Indie Highlights Date And Time

Earlier Tuesday, Nintendo’s official European Twitter account tweeted that tomorrow Wednesday there would be a highlights video on upcoming indie titles coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2019. Surprisingly, there is still at the time of the writing of this post no activity from the Nintendo of America Twitter account. For us U.S.A. Nintendo fans, that highlight video would be around 9 AM EST.

What is even more surprising is that Nintendo has not given fans an actual Nintendo Direct to start off the new year, and January is ending fast. Will Nintendo fans have to wait till February to get some juicy news on some of the most anticipated titles Nintendo is bringing this year? Or will Nintendo do a surprise announcement and squeeze a direct in the last eight days of January? As a Nintendo fan excited for what is scheduled to be coming this year to the Switch, I’m hoping that they do. What is your opinion? Sound off in the comments and let us discuss!


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