Praey for the Gods Gets Early Access Trailer, On Steam January 31st

Praey for the Gods Gets Early Access Trailer, On Steam January 31st

Shadow of the Colossus is one of my all time greatest games out there. It may not be the top in reviews, it may not be for everyone, but to me, it is one of those games that hits me the hardest emotionally. The size of the world, the size of the creatures, the amazing soundtrack, the grim love story. I played it first back on the Playstation 2, then when I got my first Playstation 4, I played it on Playstation Now during my free trial, and beat it in a week. When the remaster came out, I beat it that night in one sitting.

Today I was made aware of a new game in development that gives me the biggest Shadow of the Colossus vibes than any other game. From a team of three developers just wanting to make what games they want, No Matter Studios released today an early access trailer for Praey for the Gods, a game set in a winter fantasy world, with creatures like those in Shadow of the Colossus.

The official description from No Matter Studios’ website: “Praey for the Gods is a brutal journey set on a desolate frozen island, where your only chance of survival is to destroy the very gods you believe in.”

There is a whole lot to unpack from this trailer for me, as it’s the first I have heard about the game. What stands out the most to me is the size of everything. There are titans of creatures that are bigger than a skyscraper, and there are some that are human size. The music, at least within the trailer, is gripping, making me want more. The atmosphere of how the trailer is laid out makes me question so much. Why are we destroying these gods, and how is doing this going to allow me to survive in this desolate winter world? How many creatures can we hunt down? How did I get to this island?

There is a lot that I’m wanting to find out with this game, and it is definitely on my watchlist. Check out the early access trailer below.


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