Look out Apex and Fortnite! Here comes. . . Tetris?

Tetris 99 Screenshot

The latest Nintendo Direct has just wrapped up with some exciting announcements like Super Mario Maker 2, a remake of the Game Boy classic The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening, and a surprise drop of Final Fantasy IX, the objectively best game in the series. There was one announcement that had me rolling with laughter though, as it’s something that has been tossed around as a joke in my friend circle, Tetris 99. This new battle royale take on the timeless, but often competitive puzzler may seem like a meme, but this could be a staple on players’ Switch systems.

Tetris 99 was dropped onto the eShop for free while the Nintendo Direct was happening, giving little excuse to not try it out. I have always loved Tetris in almost all of its forms and I’ve enjoyed watching Tetris World Championships each year. This spin on the game adds in 99 other players that are all dealing with their own board while sending attacks to other players that they can target with a flick of either analog stick. Players attack either those attacking them, those with badges, those with KOs, or just random players. While it’s hard to target a specific player, this allows a player to direct where they’re attacks are headed. There is also a handy line that draws to the target for those with the awareness to determine the best course of action.

After five or six matches, I can safely say that Tetris fans will find enjoyment with Tetris 99. It will be interesting to see how the game is developed with updates or if this simple new addiction will be able to stand the test of time on its own. Is it the most engaging Battle Royale of the season? Well Apex Legends is quickly filling that role for me, but it is a wild spin on a favorite.

There are plenty of new things to enjoy on the Nintendo eShop following the Direct and we’ll be exploring those as well as the news from the day here on Marooners’ Rock. Were the rumors right or just wishful thinking? Regardless this Nintendo Direct will go on as one of the better ones.

Most people bleed red. Alex bleeds pixels. Hailing from the deep mountains of WV, land of beautiful landscapes and internet scarceness, Alex can be found writing about games in every sense. Retro games are his life, spending more time with his GBA than his PS4. Drop by one of the social doodads for deep discussions about gaming!

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