Possible Leaked Release Dates For Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion 3

Animal Crossing

UK based website Base.com, which specializes in video games, movies, and music, recently made a couple games available for pre-order. Among those titles are Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion for the Nintendo Switch. These two titles were previously listed by Nintendo themselves as only having a release date for this year, no specific date or even month. While some of us here are hoping the dates are real, only time can tell.

Base.com listed Animal Crossing’s pre-order as available on September 13th, 2019, and Luigi’s Mansion 3 available on July 19th, 2019. Also listed was “fast-paced mech action game” Daemon X Machina set for a May 24th, 2019 release. Of course, with Nintendo yet to do a Nintendo Direct this year, or give any details in the recently released financial report, these dates should be taken lightly, as it is very possible they could change. Below is a screenshot from Base.com’s website of the page for Animal Crossing. Another thing to note about this page is the title for the upcoming Switch title, listed as “Welcome to Animal Crossing.

Animal Crossing

Is this Animal Crossing’s official name? Is this the actual release date? Let us know in the comments what you think!

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