Zane’s Skill Trees In Borderlands 3 Have Been “Leaked”

Zane’s Skill Trees In Borderlands 3 Have Been “Leaked”

Yes, another “leak” happened from Gearbox. I think this might be the third or fourth leak from their team, which leads me to believe all of these are intentional. With the Borderlands 3 Gameplay Reveal a day away, it’s only natural that some screenshots would end up on the internet. The latest of which are the skill trees for Zane, The Operative class.

From what it looks like, Zane is going to be a great support class in co-op. He’s definitely going to be the Soldier or Commando of the group. These classes tend to have more support skills and are militaristic in nature.

It has already been confirmed that each class in Borderlands 3 will have three different action skills, with each one having it’s own skill tree. All three of Zane’s action skills were included in the leak; Barrier, SNTNL, and Digi-Clone. As part of the Under Cover skill tree, Barrier is just as its name would suggest, where Zane can deploy a barrier to block incoming projectiles. The added bonus is allowing him (and other players) to shoot through it with increased gun damage. From the Hitman skill tree we have SNTNL, which is an automated drone that will continually attack with its machines guns. Last, but very not least, is the Digi-Clone from the Double Agent skill tree. This clone will stay in place to fire and distract enemies. One of the higher level skills for Digi-Clone is called Double Barrel, which equips Zane’s clone with a copy of the current equipped weapon.

Borderlands 3 releases on September 13. The full gameplay reveal will be showcased on May 1.

He just graduated from Western Illinois University where all he did was write. On his free time he enjoys going out to Chicago and enjoying the company of his friends. Also, Go Cubs!!! His favorite game is Borderlands 2, favorite movie is The Social Network, and his favorite TV show is Dexter. Yes, he has very diverse taste.

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