Rumors Suggest Gearbox may be Releasing More DLC for Borderlands 2

Terramorphous borderlands 2 expansion maybe

It’s almost June, which means one thing for gamers. . . E3 RUMORS! The latest rumor that’s been stirring up excitement is regarding Borderlands, specifically Borderlands 2 and not the upcoming third entry.

We all know that Gearbox will be showcasing more Borderlands 3 at the upcoming E3 2019 event. However, it’s been rumored that Gearbox is planning to release some new DLC for Borderlands 2. According to PlayStation Lifestyle, they have apparently received some specific information as to what this entails. They state that the upcoming DLC expansion will be titled, “Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary.” 

Now to some, this may seem like a silly idea. Why release new DLC for a 7-year-old game? Well, as an avid Borderlands fan, I can assure that the player-base is still extremely healthy. This is thanks to the Handsome Collection, which released on the current gen consoles. Eurogamer even reported on this, stating that over one million players still play Borderlands 2 each month.

We know that the Borderlands 3 hub area will be a spaceship called Sanctuary 3. But wait. . . what happened to Sanctuary 2? Well according to Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford, during the gameplay reveal, “we don’t talk about Sanctuary 2.” It’s no secret that Pitchford absolutely loves to drop hints and teases. This potential expansion could explain what actually happened to the infamous Sanctuary 2. It would also help fill in the gap between the events Borderlands 2 and 3.

There are multiple reasons as to why this expansion could be happening. For one, it could mean some extra cash for Gearbox prior to Borderlands 3, assuming it’s a paid expansion and not a free update. Secondly, this would definitely help fans deal with the wait until September. We would not put it past Gearbox to release some new content for Borderlands 2. After all, this is the same game that has received four story expansions, five head hunter packs, and multiple re-releases and remasters including a VR version. This made Borderlands 2 the most lucrative title for Gearbox, having sold over 20 million copies worldwide since 2012.

For now, we can only hope that this is real. Still, like all E3 rumors, we need to take this with a huge grain of salt. One thing we know for sure, Borderlands 3 will be releasing on September 13th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

He just graduated from Western Illinois University where all he did was write. On his free time he enjoys going out to Chicago and enjoying the company of his friends. Also, Go Cubs!!! His favorite game is Borderlands 2, favorite movie is The Social Network, and his favorite TV show is Dexter. Yes, he has very diverse taste.

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