Void Bastards Gets a Launch Date

Void Bastards Gets a Launch Date

Get ready, here come the bastards! Today. Humble Bundle announced an official release date for Void Bastards, the cel-shaded, roguelike, FPS from Blue Manchu and directed by Jonathan Chey. 

We covered Void Bastards when it was announced last November by Humble Bundle, and its blend of roguelike tactics and FPS gameplay quickly put the game on our most wanted lists for 2019. Now, the wait is almost over. The game will be releasing on the Humble Store and Steam on May 29th. 

In Void Bastards, players step into the shoes of a prisoner trying to lead a motley band of fellow prisoners to safety out of the Sargasso Nebula. Unfortunately, there is a slew of derelict spacecraft, weird aliens, unstable AIs, and other obstacles in the way. Fortunately, if your prisoner dies, there’s an endless supply of other prisoners ready to step up and fill those leadership shoes. It’s not like they have anything better to do. “When you die, the next guy gets your stuff.” may as well be the official Void Bastard motto.

Void Bastards Ugly Alien

Right in the face! At least, we think that monster had a face there. We could be wrong though.

The game promises a 12-15 hour single-player campaign, with plenty of the replayability which is the hallmark of roguelikes. 

Designer Jonathan Chey was one of the cofounders of Irrational Games, along with Ken Levine and Robert Fermier. Irrational Games, of course, is best known for the seminal Bioshock series of games, and Chey cited both Bioshock and System Shock 2 as influences behind the design of Void Bastards. We think there might be a bit of FTL: Faster Than Light in there too.

Void Bastards Kaboom

Where’s the kaboom?
Oh, there it is!

Players interested in staying up to date with Void Bastards should check out the Humble Store page, or the Steam page for the game. On release, Void Bastards will be the third new game released by the “Presented by Humble Bundle” brand in 2019. The most recent release, Forager, has sold over 200,000 units to date. 

Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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