EON Super 64 brings Simple HDMI Upscaling to N64

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From the same team that created an HDMI adapter for the Nintendo Gamecube, Eon have set their sites on bringing back the N64 into living rooms in a simple, effective way. Their Super 64 adapter is a simple plug-in device that slots into the AV Out of the retro system, adding an HDMI port and a button that enables a smoothing filter.

The main appeal of the Super 64 adapter is the achievement of upscaling N64 games without any modifications to the system. Simply grab any N64, pop in the Super 64, plug in a cable and go for broke on classics like Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, or Mischief Makers. There’s not even an external power source to make room for.

Promised resolution shoots for 480p, which is twice as detailed of the original console. There’s also a Slick Mode that can be activated on the device with a button push. This rounds out the jagged edges of the graphics for a sharper image. EON also boasts lagless input, which is a big deal for trying to play retro games on modern displays.

“The Super 64 was designed to celebrate the console that pioneered 3D gaming. We set out to create something that respects the original hardware while delivering the original look and feel. The Super 64 is for everyone seeking to relive those classic experiences, and for a new generation for whom so many memories have yet to be made.” – Justin Chou, Justin Scerbo, and Allan Chou, founders of EON.

The EON Super 64 adapter releases on July 22nd of this year at a price of $149.99 USD on Amazon, EON retail partners, and is available for pre-order now at CastleMania Games.

Retro gamers have been raving about the GCHD Mk-II for the Gamecube so our excitement to see what they do for the N64 is perfectly justified. It seems like the N64 may be the next retro console to start getting modern enhancements, as Hyperkin also recently announced a new clone system in the works. A lot of players are expecting Nintendo to do an N64 mini console but there hasn’t been any official updates and back at the end of last year it wasn’t reportedly on the table.

Theoretically, this adapter could also play rom hacks or any flash cart usable with an original N64, bringing some truly excellent homebrew to the modern era. There’s definitely a certain Ocarina of Time rom hack we’ve been itching to play. There’s also the super ambitious Super Mario 64: Last Impact hack.

Either way, the N64 has a library of games that deserve modern play and with Nintendo continuing to be stingy with their classic offerings on Switch, retro gamers will just find other solutions. We can only hope the EON Super 64 holds up to expectations.

For more information on the EON Super 64, check out the official website. Readers can also follow them on Twitter.

Most people bleed red. Alex bleeds pixels. Hailing from the deep mountains of WV, land of beautiful landscapes and internet scarceness, Alex can be found writing about games in every sense. Retro games are his life, spending more time with his GBA than his PS4. Drop by one of the social doodads for deep discussions about gaming!

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