Underwater Metroidvania Outbuddies Available Now on Steam

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Metroidvanias are a dime a dozen these days, but developer and designer Julian Laufer looks to do things differently and bring things underwater. With the help of publisher Headup Games, Julian’s newest game, Outbuddies, has officially launched on Steam today. Initially finding itself as a spare time passion-project in 2013, the game grew through interest and influence from popular games in the genre. After a successful Kickstarter campaign and multiple appearances at trade shows, the game has arrived to give players a nightmarish adventure under the sea.

Players enter the mysterious city of Bahlam, a city sunken by the Old God and located deep in the South Atlantic Ocean. After a disastrous catastrophe at sea, our hero, Nikolay Bernstein regains consciousness deep below the surface, awakened by a mysterious, hovering bot. Nikolay is 36,000 feet beneath the surface, but miraculously alive. Around him are mysterious, dangerous creatures, and ginormous monstrosities that plague the undersea kingdom. An underwater race, the Wozan, barely survive under the threat of the monstrous creatures, but as a maritime archaeologist, Nikolay can learn from the Wozan and their fascinating history. Nikolay is no warrior. He has no military training or combat experience. Marooned beneath the sea, Nikolay unlocks the secrets of the city, and its cutting-edge technology, to battle the evil forces that occupy the undercity, all in an effort to save the Wozans and himself.

Having played Outbuddies at this year’s PAX WEST, Outbuddies has a polished and passionate charm woven throughout the game. The visual presentation is most reminiscent of the original Metroid, including textures that feel very familiar to the NES classic. The gameplay feels unique, utilizing not just Nikolay’s abilities but also the abilities of the robot attached to him. During my time, I was also shown the abilities and the weapons, as well as a boss fight. Outbuddies is far from just another Metroidvania, and it is more than just a love letter to a history-making genre. My time with Outbuddies feels as if Outbuddies is a passionate message of what a Metroidvania means to Laufer, and where it can take the player. The sensation of mystery, isolation, dread, danger, and excitement were all felt during my short time with the game. With it being now out for all on Steam to enjoy, I can only imagine how incredible the game is.

Outbuddies is now available on Steam for $15.29. Outbuddies is planned for a console release in 2020.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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