Just Shapes and Beats Gets “Shovelier” With Mixtape #2 Free DLC

Just Shapes and Beats Gets “Shovelier” With Mixtape #2 Free DLC

If you’ve followed Marooners’ Rock over the last few years, you’d know we absolutely adore Just Shapes and Beats and it has won a few PAX awards over the years from us and now there’s, even more, to love with the newly announced Mixtape #2 free DLC, featuring tracks from Shovel Knight! Four all-new exclusive remixed tracks are available in the “Just Shovels & Knights” pack releasing December 4th.

  • Danimal Cannon – Strike the Earth! (remix)
  • Rainbowdragoneyes – Flowers of Antimony (remix)
  • Kubbi – In the Halls of the Usurper (remix)
  • Shirobon – La Danse Macabre (remix) <— BRAND NEW BOSS

Each new track remixes a classic Shovel Knight banger and can be unlocked by playing randomly in challenge mode or by using Beat Points in the Playlist. Nintendo Switch players
have the added benefit of unlocking each character’s (Plague Knight, Specter Knight, King Knight, and Shovel Knight) track with the respective character’s amiibo. If you thought Avengers: Infinity War was the “most ambitious crossover event in history,” it’s got nothing on this bullet-helluva collaboration between Berzerk Studio and Yacht Club Games! Get “Shovelier” when Mixtape #2 releases on December 4th.

Just Shapes and Beats is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. For more information on the game including our PC review by Andrew, or our PS4 review by Alex and interview with creator Mike Ducarme.

Pretend Rap Icon Actor, gamer, and tabletop enthusiast. Raging through space on a slowly dying rock. Made of stardust and wisecracks. Held together by baling wire and sarcasm. Has an awesome wife.

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