Borderlands 3 Legendary Items Become More Accessible During Limited-Time Tomorrow

Borderlands 3 Legendary Items Become More Accessible During Limited-Time Tomorrow

Looking for easy Legendary drops in Borderlands 3? Look no further as a limited-time event will be going live tomorrow January 16th, 2020. Hoping to snag a specific Legendary drop? Still looking to cross some of those rare and exotic enemies off your list? Well good news, Vault Hunter: for the next two weeks, the Borderlands 3 farming frenzy is on!

Not only will rare enemies be guaranteed to appear, but their specific Legendary gear will also drop at a higher than the normal rate when you defeat them. Additionally, Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will be more manageable for small squads and solo players, meaning its bosses (and their Legendary loot) will be yours for the taking. Here are the specifics of this limited-time mini-event:

  • Rare spawns are guaranteed to appear;
  • All enemies with dedicated loot pools (e.g. rare spawns, named bosses, etc.) have a higher chance of dropping Legendary gear from their dedicated loot pool;
    • Additionally, the Anointment rate for that gear has been increased;
  • Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite’s difficulty will now scale to match the size of the player party rather than defaulting to four-player difficulty (available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One only).
Avid collector of Funko Pop! items, Pokemon and video games. Raises money for Extra Life since 2012. When I'm not collecting great things or helping kids and others via charity. I'm writing news, previews, reviews, and running giveaways. You can reach me at andrew at maroonersrock dot com as well.

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