Resident Evil 3 Trailer Depicts Heroes & Nemesis

Resident Evil 3 Trailer Depicts Heroes & Nemesis

After the massive success of the remake of Resident Evil 2, the world knew it was only a matter of time until Capcom released a remastered version of Resident Evil 3. Little did we know that it would be so soon. Last year, Resident Evil 2 captivated audiences with its overhaul of the original game. With the modern game engine, updated graphics, and new additions, RE2 reminded players of the good old days with fewer load times. That nostalgic feeling would cause gamers to crave a remastering for Resident Evil 3. Luckily, Capcom had another surprise up their sleeves and revealed that Resident Evil 3 would be releasing sooner than expected.

In December, Capcom unveiled a trailer for the upcoming Resident Evil 3. Prior to the official trailer release, a leaked imaged teased that Resident Evil 3 was in development. Less than a week later, Capcom unveiled the highly anticipated title would release, April 3rd, 2020. This was two years sooner than most expected. The trailer reunited Resident Evil fans with the beloved Jill Valentine a few days before the events of Resident Evil 2. Carlos has had a bit of a redesign which is evident in the two trailers. This week, the second Resident Evil 3 trailer released, highlighting the killing machine Nemesis.

Resident Evil 3 NemesisIn the trailer, Nemesis seems like an unstoppable killing machine. If you thought that MR. X in Resident Evil 2 was scary, your nightmares are about to intensify. Nemesis looks like a giant wearing another man’s face as a mask. He is programmed by Umbrella with killing Jill Valentine and the remaining S.T.A.R.S members. Nemesis has also been seen in Operation Racoon City and even with a team of four highly trained Umbrella agents, it is not a pushover.

Resident Evil 3 Characters

New Characters Featured in Trailer (via press release)

  • Brad Vickers – He is one of the sole survivors of the Mansion Incident (depicted in the original Resident Evil) and helped with investigations into Umbrella Corp. As one of the last surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, he’s also in Nemesis’ sights.
  • Mikhail Victor – The U.B.C.S. commanding officer is a leader with years of military and commanding experience. Mikhail was seriously injured in his team’s mission to evacuate survivors from Raccoon City. Despite his dire circumstance, he still does as much as he can to help civilians and his platoon. It is his compassion to save Raccoon City’s citizens that convince Jill to help their cause.
  • Nicholai Ginovaef – This U.B.C.S. team leader is incredibly resilient, cold and calculating, willing to make the necessary sacrifices for the mission and his own benefit. Nicholai dismisses Jill as a “bleeding heart” who will get herself killed.
  • Tyrell Patrick – This U.B.C.S. member is a seasoned veteran specializing in hacking and disabling security devices. Tyrell provides invaluable support from behind the lines.
  • Murphy Seeker – This U.B.C.S. member and former U.S. Marine is an exceptional sniper. Like Mikhail, he also gets seriously injured during the Raccoon City mission.
  • Dario Rosso – A civilian Jill encounters in a warehouse in uptown Raccoon City who is reeling from the shock of losing his family. Dario rejects Jill’s pleas to escape the crumbling city.
  • Hunter enemy – Both Jill and Carlos will encounter this terrifying new monster in Resident Evil 3. These bioweapons were created by combining the genetic material of humans and reptiles, creating an incredibly fast and powerful adversary.

Additional Information is available on Capcom’s official Resident Evil 3 website.

Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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