The Outer Worlds Switch Release

Explore Outer Worlds While Exploring Our World

The Outer Worlds Switch Release

A few months ago in October Obsidian revisited the first-person RPG genre that they earned praise for with Fallout: New Vegas. Their new IP allowed them to create new and exciting ideas and locations while expanding on some existing ideas. The writing was fun and the entire experience was an adventurous romp of vintage science fiction, down to the old school 50’s space guns and graphic design sense. For a more in-depth analysis check out my review of the game here!

I’ve got good news for patient Switch owners! While it’s been no secret the game was coming to the hybrid console/portable the big question was when, and we now have an answer. Explore The Outer Worlds while exploring the world starting on March 6th, 2020! If I hadn’t received a PS4 copy for the review I likely would have waited for the Switch version. Even though I know it’s likely the same, the option to play on the go is a hard benefit to ignore for a gamer who often finds themselves really appreciating gaming on the go like myself. The Outer Worlds Switch version is exactly the kind of game I would love to take on the go!

At this time we don’t know what the performance of this port will look like or even how much space it will take up on your Switch. What we do know is that there will be a physical release! Unfortunately, this physical release is just a box with a code in it. Exciting for those just looking for that shelf candy, but less for those that actually prefer the cartridge. Regardless the game does promise to deliver the overall same experience of the RPG and exploration elements of the game.

Are you an anxious Switch owner who has been waiting for this release to come to your console of choice? Are you a fan who plans to pick this game up again for the Switch? Let us know your thoughts about this announcement in the comments!

The Outer Worlds Switch version will be available for $59.99 retail on the e-shop and the “physical” release on March 6th 2020.

Unable to label, In a moment of particular brilliance realized that he could combine all of his major passions into one! Locking himself away in the den he went to work. Almost breaking under the pressure of self criticism he was finished… Thus Daddy Gamer was born!

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