Boss Rush Eldest Souls Showcased Today

Get ready to kill gods and liberate humanity from their tyranny.

Eldest Souls - Title Art

Fallen Flag Studio and the publisher United Label today showcased their pixel-art boss rush game Eldest Souls for the Nintendo Switch! During the Indie World Showcase, we caught a glimpse of gameplay footage. This revealed some of the game’s areas, NPCs, and the Ancient Gods that players will encounter in this game when it releases in the summer. Oh, and speaking of Ancient Gods, did I mention that’s what you’ll be killing in Eldest Souls? Yeah. You’re hunting gods.

The Story

The Old Gods have broken their shackles. After millennia of captivity, they are determined to visit their wrath and vengeance upon the world that imprisoned them. All that is left standing between these eldritch deities and the world is you: A lone knight tasked with butchering each of these divine monstrosities. In order to find them, though, you must explore the Citadel, the ancient structure in which the gods were held. As if the gods breaking free were not troubling enough, though, it seems that something even darker has wormed its way into this place’s walls.

Eldest Souls - Not gonna lie, she looks cool

The Game Itself

Eldest Souls promises difficult, if not downright brutal battles. Is this a top-down, pixel-art Souls clone? Not really. Eldest Souls also incorporates bullet hell genre elements and promises its own spin on things. Each slain god presents a new power or skill for the player. As you kill each formerly worshiped idol, you can unlock new Talents and Abilities. You had best make use of them if you intend to slay each of these creatures and liberate mankind.

Eldest Souls- Some Sort of Frost God?

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about Fallen Flag Studio, then feel free to visit their homepage here! Should you be more curious about united Label, you can find their own website through this link. You are also more than welcome to add it to your wishlist or otherwise follow it on Steam.

An English and Western Laws & Ethics graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Matt’s doing his best to find his way back to Middle Earth or Naboo. However, the closest he can get is reading, writing, or gaming, so he’s trying to accept his lack of pet dragons and devoting himself to those things instead. In his spare time, he practices traditional Chinese Ken-Po in the hopes that he will someday become an Earth Bender.

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