Sail Forth on a Freshly Frosted Adventure

Sail Forth on a Freshly Frosted Adventure

When it comes to the world of gaming, the games that people recognize are typically AAA titles. Often, their indie counterparts fall into the shadow of these billion-dollar franchises and often deemed inferior. Most view the Indie gaming genre as cute pet projects rather than works or creative expressions of art. What the gaming community does not realize is the amount of passion and dedication it takes for these “small” titles to be created. At PAX, these Indie titles get to be the star of the show despite their AAA counterparts attempting to steal the spotlight. At PAX East 2020, we met with Quantum Astrophysicists Guild to preview Sail Forth, Freshly Frosted, and Roundguard.

If you were at PAX East 2020, you might have missed Quantum Astrophysicists Guild booth; this could possibly be because it was located on the right side of the hall which was smaller merchants and charities. Their booth was rather simple but still efficient and visually appealing for the area utilized. At the moment, I can only remember six titles but rumors state that a seventh title might have been present; that seventh title will always be a mystery but we can clearly remember six titles present at the booth. The rumored mysterious title was a Funtime.

During our time there, we had the opportunity to preview three out of the six titles. The six titles present were Sail Forth, Freshly Frosted, Roundguard, Kur, Deleveled, and The Ambassador Fractured Timelines. Despite booking appointments to preview some of these titles, we patiently waited for the stations to become available to demo. We believe that it is more important for everyone to get a chance at something they are excited for rather than following a strict schedule.


The first demo we played was Roundguard, a Peggle like Dungeon Crawler. At the start of the game, the player has the opportunity to pick between classes. Depending on the class the player chooses, the character will either have a buff to health, damage, or mana. At the start of the level, the player must decide which way they want to launch their character. As the avatar bounces throughout the level, they earn points by smashing pots, breaking treasure chests, and slaying enemies. When the player collides with an enemy, the enemy has the opportunity to attack the player back.

While the player’s character is flying throughout the level, the player has the opportunity to redirect their character based on their available mana. The player can also cast spells based on their available mana. Players can recharge their mana and health by smashing into matching recovery pots. Each dungeon is randomized and grants players random loot. As the player completes each dungeon, they can aim for the loot of their choice. After looting and leveling, the player can choose what direction they want to go on the map, but there is no backtracking.

Although Roundguard was not originally on our schedule, I am glad that I took the time to play it. The game reminds me of what I love about DND while combining it with a relaxing off the walls experience. I did not play much Peggle when it originally came out, but this alteration definitely would have me coming back for more. At face value, the game may seem simplistic, but as you dive deeper the more complex it gets. Soon you will have to decide what spells, armor, and weapons to equip in order to survive in the upcoming dungeons.

Needless to say, I am looking forward to when the game releases on March 13th, 2020; it would be amazing if a Co-Op feature was added down the line.

Freshly Frosted

The second game we previewed was Freshly FrostedFreshly Frosted is a game about making donuts, Now you may be asking yourself, why would I want to play a game about making donuts? The easiest answer is, you probably aren’t doing it in real life and want to enjoy a thought-provoking puzzle game. The overall concept of the game is rather simple, get the donuts from the oven to the delivery zone. Where the game gets complex is the different variations of donuts that need to be made in such a limited space. The player is tasked with completing all the combinations at the same time. Because of this, the player must design a proper carousel to direct the donuts’ path in order to complete the order. As the levels progress, new obstacles and challenges emerge.

Freshly Frosted was more fun than I was expecting from a game about making donuts. The game was originally designed during Train Jam. For those unfamiliar with Train Jam, it is a 52 hr train ride from Chicago to San Francisco where indie developers design games. Since the game was first developed it has definitely come aways but the core concept of the game has remained the same. Our only concern with Freshly Frosted is that during the demo, the game’s music did not change at all. If this is the case throughout the whole game, it could easily become offputting or annoying. The game allows you to relax but still requires that you think about the way you lay the track.

After a stressful day on the show floor, playing Freshly Frosted relaxed me to the point of not wanting to leave, or at least taking the demo with me. Because of this, we nominated Freshly Frosted for Best Indie Game of PAX EAST 2020.

Sail Forth

Last but certainly not least, is Sail Forth. Sail Forth is an indie game developed by one developer. Take to the high seas in a pirate filled adventure. Search for treasure, fame, and glory while dawning your own flag. Sail Forth is a colorful pirate game that you really on your own tactics rather than requiring the assistance of others (Sea of Thieves). The mechanics of the game feel rather similar to The Legend of Zelda Windwaker but improved. The player is able to control how fast the ship sails and what direction by adjusting the mast. At the start of the demo, we had the opportunity to design our sails, our symbol, and our pirate’s look. Rather than going through the tutorial we decided to dive right in.

Sailing in the game definitely felt a lot smoother than expected and we were able to pick it up quickly. The combat in the game is probably the most complicated element. Players must continue to sail while battling other ships and creatures. After defeating other ships in combat, the player has the opportunity to recruit pirates. Healing the ship and using abilities was the most difficult aspect since it required a weird assortment of button combinations.

Now our playthrough of Sail Forth was not smooth sailing. First off, trying to get our hands on this demo was rather difficult. Each time we swung by the booth there was a line to play the demo. Sadly, when we finally got the opportunity to play it something went wrong. After purchasing a new ship to accompany my main ship, the ship disappeared out of existence while fighting the Kraken. When we resurrected we were unable to repair our ship. Now once the game was reset, those issues were rectified but were definitely frustrating.

Sail Forth has a lot of positive elements. You can control the ship and combat all by yourself without the help of others. Sadly, it did not win over my heart like Sea of Thieves. Sail Forth is a great pirate game for beginner pirates and those looking for a casual voyage. The atmosphere of the game is rather soothing even in the harshest conditions. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed playing this and would do so again, but I know my time with the game would not match the countless hours I put into Sea of Thieves.

Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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