Hidden Website Holds The Key To Potential Future Bioshock Announcements

Hidden Website Holds The Key To Potential Future Bioshock Announcements

Late last year, 2K confirmed that they formed an all-new games studio, Cloud Chamber. “A collective of storytellers eager to push the frontlines of interactive entertainment by making unique, entertaining, and thoughtful experiences that engage the world” Cloud Chamber’s first task is to work on the latest iteration in the Bioshock series. While little information surfaced, they mentioned the game would be in development for several years. Now nearly 6-months later, an unknown website surfaced which may lead to upcoming Bioshock news.

Two months back, UpgradeTech on Twitter noticed a minor update in the BioShock 2 remaster. The Minerva’s Den downloadable content was revealed to contain two new punchcards. One punchcard stood out, as he discovered that it contained a message in Morse Code. Taking it upon himself to decipher it, he unveiled a link to a mysterious website. The website uncovered links to theresalwaysalighthouse.com. The URL suggests a connection to Bioshock Infinite, the latest installment in the Bioshock franchise.

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This peculiar site, which is confirmed to be registered by Take-Two Interactive, is quite barren. When opened, viewers are greeted to starry background. In that starry background is an object many believe looks like a larger star. Others believe it could be a glare coming in from a lighthouse. I personally believe the latter, as that would further the Infinite connections. The site’s origins can be traced back to August of 2018, thanks to the Internet Archive.

While the site doesn’t offer much, the starry background itself contains a message. When saved, the background’s named “staytuned.jpg”. That suggests that theresalwaysalighthouse.com will contain official announcements in the future. We already know Cloud Chamber is hard at work on the series’ latest entry. It’s fair to assume that that would be the big announcement. Consider this; the site has already existed for many years. We also know the new game is still several years away. It’s safe to assume the website won’t be seeing any updates, anytime soon. With no other word from 2K or Cloud Chamber, fans mustn’t hold their breath.

For more information on 2Kvisit their official website or follow them on Facebook and Twitter. 2K is also on Youtube.

Frank is an aspiring writer, YouTuber, and comedian, who is always looking to entertain. He's been gaming since a young age and is an avid gaming enthusiast. While platformers are his genre of choice, he plays a diverse range of games on any and every platform. When he's not playing or collecting video games, Frank enjoys tinkering around with electronics, cooking delicious foods, adventuring to new and unique places, and trying bizarre and exotic foods.

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