GungHo Online Entertainment has announced that its highly anticipated online action game, Volta-X, has locked in release date and public beta. Volta-X is will be entering a public beta testing period on 7/18/2020, with a release at the end of this SUmmer for PC and Nintendo Switch. The PC-Only public beta will allow the players to experience the beginnings of the single-player campaign, as well as fight in online battles against other players. During the beta, the player can customize their mech and learn the mechanics of the game. Players may request a key by clicking here. However, keep watching Marooners’ Rock we may have some codes to grant as well!
Volta-X was announced in 2019, and head a presence at PAX WEST 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Volta-X is a mech combat game, with a focus on various systems and parts for more strategic combat, similar to piloting a Megazord in Power Rangers. Having played the demo for myself while attending PAX WEST 2019, Volta-X was an intense experience. I was pitted against another player, and had to balance out repairing certain weapons while using attacks wisely to defeat the other player. It combined solid action, but also strategy. The synopsis is below.
Volta-X is a real-time strategy RPG where players control a crew of animal pilots working together within a giant Volta mech to battle other Voltas and monstrous Kaiju in both PvE and PvP fights. Strategy in battle is key as players manage firing off weapons and commanding their team of Volta pilots to power-up weapons, repair their Volta, or extinguish fires. It takes quick reflexes and careful thought to take down your opponent in the game’s fast-paced combat.
But there’s more to Volta-X than just robot combat. Between tournaments, the crew is housed at their secret headquarters where they recuperate, relax, and work to perfect their Voltas. Players can customize their headquarters with various rooms to research specialized equipment like the heat saber, massive drills, and deadly acid launchers. The customization doesn’t end there – the base itself can be kitted out with a barracks, machine shop, garden, music room, and even a cinema to make sure the crew of pilots remain happy and healthy. As players progress through the game, they’ll learn more about their crew members and the world they live in… including some secrets the WVA thought would stay hidden forever.