Pikmin 3 Deluxe Edition Arrives on October 30th

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Edition Arrives on October 30th

Nintendo continues to rescues the Wii U refugees with the addition of Pikmin 3 Deluxe. In a surprise announcement earlier this week, the Wii-U exclusive Pikmin 3 is now making its way towards the Nintendo Switch, with a significant number of new features for both new players and experienced players to enjoy. The news was announced suddenly through social media and youtube, quickly making waves across the net. This new announcement is a sudden Spring in an otherwise questionable drought of releases from Nintendo.

Pikmin 3 is a puzzle-solving adventure, where players control their own creatures to survive on a wild world deep in space. The creatures, the Pikmin, can be controlled, and with their special abilities. With wonderous lands to explore, the planet is drought with both wonder and danger, as new challenges await with various creatures and weather conditions. With Pikmin 3: Deluxe Edition, all the content with the original release will be included with the new launch on the Nintendo Switch. Public Relations firm Goblin, and Business Wire, provided further information below.


“Pikmin 3 Deluxe delivers a full suite of additions and enhancements, including the ability to play the whole Story mode in co-op with a friend, new side-story missions which can also be played in co-op and all the Mission mode DLC stages from the original game’s release. With new difficulty options, lock-on targeting, optional hints and the choice to play at a more relaxed pace, it’s easier than ever to join in on the Pikmin fun, enjoy the game’s beautiful scenery and get a taste of what this vibrant world has to offer. Fun features from the original game also return in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, such as the in-game camera, which allows players to snap photos of the game’s lush environments and curious creatures from a pint-sized perspective. For seasoned players who are ready to deploy their Pikmin-plucking skills in some new challenges, Pikmin 3 Deluxe adds new side-story missions featuring Olimar and Louie exploring planet PNF-404. And for a bit of friendly Pikmin-flinging fun, there are even head-to-head multiplayer matches available in Bingo Battle.”

Pikmin 3: Deluxe Edition announcement raises further mystery to Nintendo’s plan in 2020. Make no mistake that the Coronavirus Pandemic has extensively and deeply disrupted all plans for game announcements and presentations. With the absence of E3 and every convention going digital, Nintendo’s plans to unveil information on Mario, Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4, and other previously announced titles have been undone and need to be redone. The release of new console systems, likely in December, are undoubtedly causing further obstacles, and the unpredictable nature going into 2021 is also something that Nintendo is contending with. Further complicating things is the contagious nature of the coronavirus, and its ability to penetrate the loose ends of safety. Despite this, I am sure that Nintendo has plenty of surprises up its sleeve in 2020, especially as it finds itself determined to take the thunder away from the launches of the Xbox One Series X and the PlayStation 5.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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