Earthbound Inspired Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space Releases Later This Month

Earthbound Inspired Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space Releases Later This Month

back in 2015, Eden Industries released their role-playing title Citizens of Earth. Labeled as a spoof on Earthbound, Citizens of Earth scratched an itch, left to many 90s gamers. Releasing to arguably mixed reviews, Citizens of Earth developed a cult following, much like its inspiration. It was successful enough to spaw a sequel, Citizens of Space. Eden Industries has teamed up with Japanese publisher KEMCO to release Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space. The good news for fans of the Citizens franchise is that the wait is nearly over!

“Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space includes “Citizens of Earth”, where the rookie Vice President and fellow Citizens investigate the strange mysteries cropping up all over Earth, and “Citizens of Space” where the Earth’s new Ambassador embarks on a journey to find the missing Earth with the help of Citizens across the galaxy.

This time the two adventures have united with brand-new elements. Recruit 88 Citizens with unique abilities to save the Earth in both time-periods! Time travel back-and-forth between “Citizens of Earth” and “Citizens of Space”, unlocking new content and revealing the true ending!

Unite the Citizens to save the timeline from secretive foes operating behind the scenes!”


Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space uniquely blends both Citizens games, implementing a new “time travel” mechanic. This allows the player to navigate between Citizens of Earth and Citizens of Space simultaneously. Doing so will unlock brand new content, and allow players the opportunity to see the “true ending”. Optionally players can choose to play each title standalone. Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space releases on January 28th, 2021. It will be available digitally on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam, for $29.99 USD.

For more information on Citizens Unite!: Earth x Space, visit KEMCO’s official Citizens website.


Frank is an aspiring writer, YouTuber, and comedian, who is always looking to entertain. He's been gaming since a young age and is an avid gaming enthusiast. While platformers are his genre of choice, he plays a diverse range of games on any and every platform. When he's not playing or collecting video games, Frank enjoys tinkering around with electronics, cooking delicious foods, adventuring to new and unique places, and trying bizarre and exotic foods.

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