Psychadelic Cat Puzzler PUSS! Now Available On Console

Psychadelic Cat Puzzler PUSS! Now Available On Console

It’s a purrfect opportunity to play a new game. The psychedelic cat-themed puzzler PUSS! has now been released onto consoles. The developers at teamcoil, along with publisher Samustai, are thrilled to be introducing this new and inventive puzzler to consoles, as critics call PUSS! the closest humans will get to the actual effects of every cat’s favorite addiction, catnip. Be warned that those with photosensitivities should use caution when playing PUSS! or seeing the trailer.

The news comes from GTP Media via a press release, accompanied by a new trailer. PUSS! has been seen regularly on Steam and at various conventions, for its extremely psychedelic visual style and absurd gameplay. Since its launch, PUSS! has garnered plenty of attention from critics and players alike for being unlike anything else on the gaming market today.

PUSS! began as an indie title rising through the ranks of the indie marketplace, making appearances at various conventions, including the legendary PAX RISING booth at PAX EAST 2018. Following its release in 2018 on Steam, PUSS! has achieved the “Very Positive” rating on steam, based on 543 user reviews as of this news post. The premise of PUSS! is simple. A cat finds itself in another dimension, beyond the laws of our universe and existence. The ultimate goal is to escape this twisted dimension or stay trapped forever. PUSS! is an avoid-’em up, as opposed to the traditional shoot-’em upchallenging players to avoid and dodge obstacles, from gargantuan celestial beings to crazed shapes and monsters. In a dimension that involves riding a dolphin and fighting Satan, the ultimate goal to survive is to break all the rules and invent your own.

PUSS! is a game that should remind players of the wonderful abundance of creative freedom that video games can provide. Video games based upon cats haven’t necessarily been the newest genre, but they have been slowly emerging, such as Fisti-Fluffs from Playhorn Studios. With PUSS!, the developers have strived to bring forth a remarkable and unforgettable experience through the use of extremely wild colors, and a twist on gameplay not often seen in the SHMUP genre. It will be interesting how PUSS! is received by members of the console gaming community. Based upon the Steam reviews, the future looks bright for PUSS!

PUSS! is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, in addition to PC via Steam.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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