Another Indie Rebranding as Neon Doctrine

Another Indie Rebranding as Neon Doctrine

Another Indie has embraced the darkside. Another Indie, one of the most reputable labels in Indie Game Publishing, is relaunching itself into an entirely new path, which includes a renaming. of the publisher. On this day, as of this post, Another Indie is now Neon Doctrine, and their goal is to embrace the darker, unsettling, but unexplored sides of gaming.

The news comes from Ian Garner, the founder and CEO of Neon Doctrine. The Taiwan-based publisher has experienced a multitude of ups and downs since their founding in 2014, but their most recent successes have encouraged Ian, and the Another Indie team, to proceed in a new direction, setting itself up with a newfound distinction. Games, such as Vigil: The Longest Night, Yuppie Psycho, and My Lovely Daughter have drawn great success and connection with players and the publisher has resonated well with the reception.  Ian clarifies that Neon Doctrine will not be exclusively set within the darker, pulpy side of gaming, but  will challenge the player in worlds unseen.

The renaming places Neon Doctrine in a new venture and an exciting gateway to newer partnerships with studios. Many games have not yet been announced, but the publisher plans to release four new one in 2021. Among them is a new, unannounced game from Marslit Games, in cooperation with Game Seer VEntures. This new path for Neon Doctrine will place the publisher as a truly global polishing company while still supporting and exploring the Asia Region. To celebrate the new announcement, Neon Doctrine will host Neon Doctrine Publishing Sale April 17-24th on Steam.

Neon Doctrine will also release a draft of their publishing contract to the public for any new and upcoming independent developers. Neon Doctrine will also work to open a video game incubator in Taipei, an imageboard for fanart from the community, free consultation, and partnering with Leyline Charity.

Neon Doctrine has worked incredibly hard in the past 7 years, especially with titles such as Sinner, which always drew a solid crowd at every PAX event. Ian and the team have been a remarkable collection of creatives looking to give a voice to the little guy, ensuring they have everything they need to make sure their game is as successful as it can be. As the gaming community at large remains focused on gray, third-person shooter, cyberpunk dystopias, and smaller titles, Neon Doctrine is clearly setting up something new, refreshing, and engaging for players, and it is greatly encouraged to join Neon Doctrine and their strong portfolio of games.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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