PlayCrafting announces in-person expo PLAY NYC Summer 2021

PlayCrafting announces in-person expo PLAY NYC Summer 2021

The summer heats up. PlayCrafting, the New York City-based video game developer and education network, has announced PLAY NYC, the NYC video game expo, is returning for a live in-person gaming expo for this Summer of 2021. This announcement is one of several announcements that indicated a slow, but determined return for normalcy in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The news comes via social media and the PlayCrafting newsletter, announcing the intent of the vent and some important details concerning the event. The event, which was canceled last year due to COVID-19, is determined to return this summer, given new data and guidance from the CDC and Health Department Officials. in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines. PLAY NYC will resume a two-day event this summer. While the announcement of exhibitors, artists, and participants was not announced, the expo will be instituting a mandatory confirmation of either receiving the COVID-19 vaccine or a negative COVID-19 test. Finer details, such as cost and attendance limits were not yet announced, but would be in the coming months. It is worth noting this announcement comes on the heels of the postponement of a nearby video game convention, LI Retro GameCon, which has pushed its planned return into 2022.

“We’re thrilled to bring PLAY NYC back as a live show for 2021! As the world begins to open back up, we’ll unite players and creators for a fun and safe weekend unlike any other in New York City. We look forward to bringing people back together again through their love of video games in a safe and welcoming environment. It’s been far too long since we’ve been able to gather together in person. I think we can all use something fun and exciting to look forward to on the horizon. This summer’s 5th annual Play NYC will be a tremendous opportunity to connect and play for the first time in quite a while.” – Dan Butchko, CEO of Playcrafting

PlayCrafting was founded in 2017 to assist in the development of games and educate the public on video games, including hosting classes and events. PlayCrafting has participated in various events, including The Global Game Jam, BitSummit, and PAX EAST in Boston. Their partnerships, events, and work with gaming developers have amassed over $2 million in funding since 2017.

The announcement of PLAY NYC is a promising announcement, though it signals a likely outcome in the future, as the battle against COVID-19 continues. Smaller events, ones that are more manageable and smaller in scope, will arrive first and far more ahead of the massive conventions gamers have comes to know, such as PAX and E3. These smaller events can be better controlled and managed, as the local population will likely have been given at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. As data is suggesting that vaccination is moving ahead of schedule, it is likely that smaller events, such as TooManyGames in Oaks, PA, as well as PLAY NYC, can happen. Granted, these events will be smaller than in years past, and perhaps not as many exhibitors will be in attendance, but this will be some step towards normalcy.

However, at the same time, COVID-19, and the public health crisis it continues to cause, can neither be ignored nor dismissed. Despite making headway in vaccinations, many more people have not received the vaccine as of this posting. Many have chosen to refuse to receive the vaccine, citing health concerns, or chosen not to, citing the massive misinformation campaign that has been launched by anti-vaxxers, religious groups, and the previous administration. Many countries are greatly struggling to roll out their vaccines, most especially Brazil, and as the virus continues to spread and mutate, new infectious strains of the virus bring a grave concern to the general public. The unknown nature of COVID-19 continues to give a challenge for those searching for facts and answers in the science, and it is increasingly looking likely that a 3rd “booster shot” will be required for all at the end of the year. With this science, it is also very possible that conventions, as we know them, may not happen for quite some time. Possibly for several more years. The situation is fluid, and is constantly changing based upon new data. It’s possible for PLAY NYC to go on, but all events are subject to change. There is a real possibility of there being a cancellation as well. What happens in the next 4 months is a question of science and the public’s adherence to public safety guidelines.

PLAY NYC video game expo is slated for August 7th-August 8th at the Metropolitan Pavilion at The Metro in New York City, New York.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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