Resident Evil Village Map Revealed

Lady Dimitrescu & Daughters

Since its reveal during the PlayStation State of Play in January, Resident Evil Village has been one of the most highly anticipated games of 2021; this interest was only heightened by the Maiden demo. Since then, fans have eagerly awaited more information on Lady Dimitrescu and the sisters. Since its premiere, fan art, memes, and cosplay have taken over the internet. Specifically, the love of the tall Lady Dimitrescu has been the talk of the Resident Evil community. During an interview with IGN, Project director Morimasa revealed the Resident Evil Village map, additional information about Lady Dimitrescu, and the revered Mother Miranda.

When we look at the map, four locations clearly stand out thanks to highlighted emblems; the four locations are Castle Dimitrescu, Heisenberg’s Factory, Moreau’s Reservoir, and House Beneviento. In between the factory and reservoir, a giant multi-eyed creature can be seen trapped behind a gate. This has led many to believe that an encounter similar to Resident Evil 4’s Del Lago battle will occur in Resident Evil Village. Village looks to take other key similarities from Resident Evil 4. Each area should provide the player with a variety of enemies to face as they fight to survive.

Resident Evil Village Map

When speaking to IGN, Sato had this to say about the village.

“When you hear the word ‘village’, you might imagine quaint houses lined up along a street, but that’s not really enough to make a videogame out of. Especially in a horror game, I think it’s important to keep providing new experiences along the way. Within the village, it’s important to keep delivering new surprises to the player.”

The Tall Lady and Mother Miranda

Going into Resident Evil Village, Sato saw the game’s characters as the most important part of the game; he desires to create a memorable village that will live on with players. At the moment, not much is known about the rest of the village. The Resident Evil Village map does give some clues but nothing specific. One thing that is uniformly present is snow; however, snow was not originally going to play such a strong role in Resident Evil Village.

When discussing the presence of snow in Resident Evil Village, Sato had this to say:

“We went to Europe for research during spring one year, but due to an unseasonable cold snap, the scenery was covered in snow. This inspired us to implement snowscapes into our game. We use snow not just for visual presentation, but as gameplay elements as well.”

During the trailers, we have seen the villagers chanting Mother Miranda. At the moment, her character is still a mystery. however, we have seen Lady Dimitrescu talking with her on the phone. Only two images of Mother Miranda have been revealed but an ominous presence remains.

Will Chris and Ethan be able to survive Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda’s wrath? Without revealing too much information, Sato had this to say:

“For Mother Miranda, I think it’s better for the players to find out for themselves by playing the game. But I’ll say this: Mother Miranda and the inner side of her character are extremely important factors in the game.”


Art director Tomonori Takano went onto explain the symbolism behind the crows:

“The mask resembles a crow’s beak. As a symbol of horror, crows function as a theme for Village in its entirety as well, and they appear in the actual game. Since she has a symbolic role within the village, we implemented that same design theme for Mother Miranda.”

Resident Evil Village is set to release on May 7th on the Xbox One, Series X/S. PlayStation 4, PS5, and PC. Does the Resident Evil Village Map give away any plot details we might be missing?

Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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