As of late, I’ve been gaming with friends and fellow site staff here on Marooners’ Rock when I’m not working a full-time job since some of you reading know me as also being a healthcare worker. Recently I’ve had the chance to go hands-on with the upcoming The Anacrusis from the Stray Bombay Company. If you’re still in the dark about this game since its announcement at E3. The Anacrusis is a four-player, cooperative first-person shooter set aboard a massive starship stranded at the edge of explored space. If you enjoyed growing up with games like Left 4 Dead, you’ll want to keep an eye on this and check out the interview.
Stray Bombay Company is a studio made up of Industry veterans and making cooperative games. With this ongoing pandemic, I’m happy to see more and more co-op games being created to keep people safe. While I have been playing the game for an upcoming review, I’ve had the chance to chat with the CEO Chet Faliszek to talk about The Anacrusis and learn more about it including its Director 2.0. You can check out the full interview with Chet Faliszek in the video below.
The Anacrusis is to release on PC in Early Access as well as Xbox in Game Preview on January 13th, 2022. The Anacrusis will also come to Xbox Game Pass Day One along with cross-play between PC and Console. We’d love to know in the comment below or social media if you’ll be playing the game.
Be sure to check out and follow Stray Bombay on Twitter by going to Plus, if you do want to have game nights with the dev team on this game and others. Join the Stray Bombay Discord by going to