Tabletop Inspired Ogre Available on Consoles

Tabletop Inspired Ogre Available on Consoles

The greatest weapon is neither the biggest gun, nor the largest plane, but it is indeed the mind of a soldier. Auroch Digital has brought tabletop creator Steve Jackson’s classic game to life. Ogre, the legendary tabletop game, has now made its way to consoles, bringing its trademark gameplay to potentially millions of new players.

The announcement comes as the game became available through online gaming distribution platforms. Auroch Digital secured the rights to Ogre in 2017, releasing the game successfully to PC platforms that same year. Since then, Auroch Digital has worked hard to successfully port the game to consoles; Implementing the game’s rules and mechanics to a welcoming user interface.

 A Legendary Wargame

Ogre is an asymmetrical strategy game that takes place on a hexagonal battlefield. Players have access to a variety of military units, from ground effect aircrafts to soldiers and tanks. The enemy is the Ogre; a powerful single unit with the firepower of an entire tank battalion. Through a combination of skill, wise tactics, and a lucky roll of the dice, players can hope to decimate the Ogre and the insane AI that powers it.

Adapted For Console

The console release of Ogre features a user interface, and control input, that has been tailored to work with controllers. For the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game, there are achievements and trophies to hunt down. The inclusion of achievements will result in players playing Ogre again and again.


Seeing tabletop games adapted into console gaming is always a great appreciation for me. It’s a means to bring forward an important piece of gaming history for others to learn and even enjoy. Before video games, tabletop games like Ogre were essential in laying down the groundwork that would encompass modern gaming today. This is especially the case for the tactics and strategy genres. It can be seen in games ranging from Fire Emblem to X-COM. Seeing Ogre available is another welcomed addition, and will hopefully entice people to explore the technical construction of an infamous game.

Ogre is now available for PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch for $24.99.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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