A New Story Trailer Arrives for Gamedec

A New Story Trailer Arrives for Gamedec

The clues to the truth lie within digital worlds. After making a triumphant debut last year on Steam, Gamedec by Polish-based Anshar Studios is ready to launch on Nintendo Switch, giving Nintendo Switch players the chance to log on and jack into digital worlds as part of a real-life futuristic destructive agency. In the future, crimes takes place in another world.

The launch trailer shows a general example of what to expect in Gamedec. In Warsaw, {Poland, 2199, there is the Gamedec, a detective investigating crimes in digital cyber worlds. When VR has ascended and developed to the point where an entirely new life can be lived, crimes will be committed. As a Gamedec, players investigate crimes uncovering homicide, abuse, and deceptive schemes meant to profit off the suffering of others. Unlike other isometric RPGs, Gamedec relies on dialogue, choices, and detective skills. Every choice made matters, but Gamedec does not judge. It leaves your choices entirely within your hands, and the consequences of those choices are left up to only you to evaluate and reflect on.

Gamedec is the passion project of Polish-based Anshar Studios, the developers of the frantic VR shooter Telefrag, and the immersive VR deep-space explorer, Detached. Gamedec first launched on Steam on September 16th, 2022, after a tour that took the game to PAX WEST 2019 and PAX Online in 2020. As of this posting, Gamedec has been lauded by critics and players alike, with a “Very Positive” rating out of 578 reviews as of this posting.

Having visited the Polish games booth at almost every PAX since2017, I am continuously in awe at the Polish game community for their ability to think outside the norms and conformities of the gaming space and rethink what a game can do. Some are outright fun, like Danger Scavenger and others have important things to say, such as Liberated and Radio Commander. With Gamedec I am hoping for a strong release for the Nintendo Switch, as its unique presence and focus on non-violence is a rarity in these days. Violence and action are still good things in RPGs, but it’s also good to use your mind to save the world. With the release of Gamedec, the chance for other RPGs to make the lift from Steam to Switch grows.

Gamedec launches July 1st, 2022, and is currently on sale on Steam until July 7th.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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