The next chapter in the Gundam franchise has arrived. Entitled Gundam: The Witch from Mercury and set in a brand new timeline called Ad Stella, the new series centers on Suletta, pilot of the Gundam Aerial. The new series comes from sunrise stalwarts Hajjime Yatate of Cowboy Bebop fame and franchise creator Yoshiyuki Tomino. Check out the trailer and official description!
An era where a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. A lone girl from the remote planet Mercury transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry. Her name is Suletta Mercury. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step-by-step through a new world.
New timelines are something of a staple in the Gundam universe (there have been 11 of them thus far) and every time fans have a new set of characters to enjoy. Gundam: The Witch from Mercury appears to be no different with the added cyberpunk flavor of the corporations being in control – something that up until now wasn’t necessarily as pronounced as it is here and will no doubt give the franchise a fresh perspective. With protagonists such as Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing, Mikuzuki and Orga from Iron-Blooded Orphans, and Domon from G Gundam, Suletta is going to have big shoes to fill; judging by this trailer and description, longtime fans are going to be in for a heck of a ride. I can’t wait to see where Sunrise takes the franchise this October!
Are you excited for Suletta’s turn as a Gundam pilot or are you still pining for the days of Heero Yuy? What has been your favorite iteration of the franchise? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to Marooners’ Rock for more video game and anime news!