Saints Row Kevin – He Knows a Guy

Saints Row Kevin and Greg Chun

Saints Row the reboot is less than a month away. Earlier this month, we covered some key things to look for in the Saints Row reboot in our Saints Row – Everything We Know So Far article. Since then, Deep Silver and Volition have released two new videos. These two new videos showcase more of what players should expect when the game releases on August 23rd. In the first trailer, players are introduced to Saints Row Kevin, a man of the people. The second video focuses primarily on Greg Chun the voice of Saints Row Kevin. Let us know what you think of these tow new trailers.

The first Saints Row trailer introduces Kevin, your typical “guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy” with connections everywhere in Santo Ileso. The trailer describes him as, “Your Man About Town, Knows How to Make Noise, and Cooks up a Storm in and out of the kitchen.”

Saints Row’s Kevin is a foster child who just wanted to belong. In order to find a family, he joined the Idols wanting to make a change. Since then, he has changed sides to side with the Saints, bringing with him his connections, hard work ethic, and ability to liven up any party.

Saints Row Cast Interview

In the second trailer, Saints Row fans get an inside look behind the scenes to see the voices of the main cast; this trailer includes the newest addition, Saints Row Kevin. Greg Chun states that Kevin likes to hang around, take care of his friends, and cook up a good meal. At the end of the day, his friends and crew come first. Greg Chun’s favorite part of the game was Kevin’s apology to the player. After hearing Greg Chun speak about Kevin are you more excited for the game?

Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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