The new trailer for Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse has arrived online. Starring Shamiek Moore and Halle Steinfeld reprising their roles as Miles and Spider Gwen respectively, the sequel is from a script by returning writers and producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller alongside Shang Chi’s David Callaham and is directed by Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson and Voltron’s Joaquim Dos Santos. You can check out the trailer below.
Anchored by a heart-to-heart between mother and son we see clips of the previous film, including a fan favorite moment of Stan the man Lee. From there we see more of Oscar Issac’s Miguel O’Hara, a new look at Jake Johnson’s Peter Parker, and the PS4 Spidey, among many others. The final seconds play Daniel Pemberton’s Only One Spider-Man’ theme, an anthem that has become a musical touchstone for these spiderverse films.
Spider Man into the Spiderverse was a surprise hit that introduced the old we head to a whole generation and proved that Spider-Man is far more than Peter Parker; anyone could wear the mask. Coupled with Daniel Pemberton’s iconic memorable score, the film occupies a special place in superhero cinema canon. Much like it’s predecessor, it’s clear that Spiderman Across the Spiderverse will hit on similar themes as Miles has to learn to stand on his own in a superhero world that is getting larger and far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Here’s hoping the sequel will expand the Spiderverse’s cultural footprint even further when Miles swings back into theaters (and across animation styles) on June 2, 2023!
What do you think, True believers? Are you excited to see Miles Morales back on the big screen? How is the Miles/Gwen relationship going to play out? Can Pemberton top himself? Is there a chance Christopher Daniel Barnes will cameo in some way? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to Marooners Rock for more movie and video game news!