Front Mission 2: Remake Launches in June

Front Mission 2: Remake Launches in June

Forever Entertainment is proud to announce a release date for its anticipated remake for Front Mission 2: Remake. Releasing exclusively on Nintendo Switch, Front Mission 2: Remake arrive to the platform on June 12th, 2023. This remake brings back the classic turn-based mech action for a new generation with a bevy of improvements to enhance the gameplay experience.

Come Heavy or Not At All

An announcement comes from publisher Forever Entertainment and is accompanied by a new trailer. The trailer shows a pre-rendered cutscene of mech combat to promote the game, before cutting into gameplay footage from the game itself. Front Mission 2: Remake looks to have the same approach as its predecessor that was release in Fall 2022. Battle take place in a 3D space with the ability to rotate the camera as opposed to a fixed perspective. Gameplay footage shows  more detailed Wanzer battled that are up close and intense. Cutscenes are told in text with character illustrations, much like the original release of the game. The trailer also showcases updated music for players to listen to when engaged in combat.

Front Mission 2: Remake is a remake of the original Front Mission 2. Front Mission 2 initially launched on September 25th 1997 exclusively in Japan for the first PlayStation. The game was an upgrade from its predecessor. The game moved from the 16-bit pixelated presentation to a full 3D presentation. Front Mission 2 also featured upgraded music and controls, as well as more visceral depictions of big mech combat. The sequel was lauded and praised by players a the time. Front Mission 2 featured a bold story with non-linear paths that eventually converge. The game wouldn’t make it’s way to the united states until it debuted on the PlayStation Network in December of 2008.

Learning from the Past

Forever Entertainment announced Front Mission 1st: Remake in February 2022. The game was subsequently released on November 30th to positive acclaim. The general consensus of Front Mission 1st: Remake is that the game is an authentic and responsible remake of the original Front Mission 1st. The release was not perfect, as general quality-of-life improvements could have benefitted the game, such as voice acting. However, the presentation, gameplay, and other fundamentals remained intact to deliver a fulfilling mecha-focused turn-based JRPG. This was further bolstered as the Nintendo Switch is an excellent portable console.

With the remake, it’s confident to conclude that Front Mission 2: Remake will have the same treatment done as its predecessor. Better visuals, modern music, a controllable camera, and other enhancements will be present in the remake. The team has clearly struck a success and a desire for the gaming community. Forever Entertainment has also announced a remake of Front Mission 3. What that installment will entail remains to be seen but with the proven skill seen in Front Mission 1st: Remake and the ambitious of the sequel, Forever Entertainment is s treating this series with respect and responsibility. It’s sure to be a great time.

Front Mission 2: Remake launches on June 12th, 2023 on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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