My Friendly Neighborhood PAX East 2023 Preview

My Friendly Neigborhood Cover

When it comes to Horror games, few can hold a light to Resident Evil 4 (2005). Now, this is not to say that there haven’t been excellent Horror games, but Resident Evil 4 is often considered one of, if not the best horror game out there; this includes the Resident Evil 4 Remake that was released last week. With Resident Evil 4 as a marker to live up to, Silver Chains, The Evil Within, Sons of the Forest, Dead Space, and Five Nights at Freddy‘s have still made an impact, but not to the same level. Now, an upcoming game, My Friendly Neighborhood, steps up to follow in its footsteps.

Last year at PAX East 2022, we met with DreadXP to preview their upcoming games My Friendly Neighborhood and Sucker for Love. With both of these titles, it was love at first sight, just in different ways. With Sucker for Love, players could enjoy a romance sim without having to deal with the stereotypical dating sim tropes. Yes, there are mushy moments that make you feel something towards the character; however, there were also moments, where the player can be scared to death of the deity. When the game was released, we ended up giving it an 8.7 out of 10.

My Friendly Neighborhood 1st Demo

Although, Sucker for Love was love at first sight, My Friendly Neighborhood stole our hearts. Whether it was nostalgia from our childhood with the Muppets, Sesame Street, or Eureeka’s Castle, the use of puppets in a darker horror setting had us hooked. For the first demo we played, we were stuck in a filming studio where the puppets were trying to kill us and prevent us from moving forward. The demo forced us to explore the studio in order to find the key to open the door. Getting the door open required us to solve multiple puzzles, avoid enemies, and run for our life.

Below are our impressions from that first demo:

What really stood out for us was the blend of friendly childhood puppets with a variety of horror elements. Searching for the parts, it was exciting to feel our heart racing. We never knew what to expect. We could shoot a puppet and it could explode into multiple enemies or they could fall down. The game’s use of duct tape to disable the puppets from attacking gives players a way to survive without worrying about them. The game’s use of a currency system to save and reload ammo makes the player think of when they should save; also the game makes the player choose if they want to spend their money on healing or saving.

My Friendly Neighborhood 2nd Demo

My Friendly Neighborhood is a video game that was previewed at this years PAX East in 2023. The demo at the event had a different focus compared to the previous year’s preview. While the previous preview had more of a survival focus, the PAX East 2023 demo emphasized exploration and puzzle-solving. However, the survival elements inspired by Resident Evil 4 were still present, but they were not the primary focus.

During the demo, players were given a task to find eight blocks scattered throughout the neighborhood in order to escape. The neighborhood was creepy and players had to search various buildings to find the blocks. The game had new puppets that were not seen before, adding to the creepiness factor. The puzzles were not straightforward, and players had to use their surroundings and observations to solve them. While wasn’t an easy task, we never did find all eight blocks, but came close to it a few times.

The demo lasted for 15 minutes, giving players enough time to explore, get hunted down, and try again. The demo was designed to give players an idea of what to expect from the game on top of what we’ve played in 2022, this demo was focusing on the exploration and puzzle-solving elements while still maintaining the survival aspects of the game.

Bug or Feature?

Outside of a small bug involving doors that was easily resolved, the core gameplay was polished and smooth. Earlier, we talked about how the game felt more polished, but now we will explain how. Shots on the puppets seemed to register more properly; before, some shots would hit the puppet but not cause it to stagger. Additionally, taping up a puppet so it couldn’t move takes less time and had no weird side effects; in one version of the demo, the puppet would still move despite being taped. Now, they just lay there menacingly.

Although puppets can ragdoll when you kill them or when they collide with other objects, it is more comedic than feeling buggy. Once you leave the room, if the puppet is not duct taped another puppet can take its place. You might think a certain puppet is watching you and you might be right. If one isn’t tied down they can show up around the next corner.

Like other survival horror games, My Friendly Neighborhood uses the element of surprise and atmosphere to keep the player on edge. Although most find puppets comical, John Szymanski & Evan Szymanski show why others have a fear of puppets. The game will keep players on the edge of their seats while they try to survive a beautiful but creepy day in the neighborhood.

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You

Adding My Friendly Neighborhood to your wishlist on Steam is a convenient way to stay updated on the game’s progress and receive notifications when the game is available for purchase. It’s an excellent way to ensure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the horror and excitement of the game. During PAX East 2023, our Editor got the chance to feature My Friendly Neighborhood at the RGB CustomPC booth, which you can watch the video below.

Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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