New The Flash Trailer Arrives Online

New The Flash Trailer Arrives Online

On the heels of Warner Bros cinema con screening of The Flash, a new trailer for the highly anticipated superhero epic has arrived online. The film, directed by It’s Andy Muscietti, stars Ezra Miller, Kersey Clemons, and Sasha Calle with Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton reprising their respective roles as Batman. Check out the new trailer below. 

The Flash – Official Trailer 2

The trailer opens on Wayne Manor as we see Keaton’s Bruce explain how he hoped putting on the suit and being a superhero would bring his parents back with Barry actually succeeding in that endeavor only for him to accidentally ‘break the universe’. Amid the new glimpses of both Zod and Callie’s Kara, we see Affleck’s Bruce remind Barry that our scars make us who we are and that he shouldn’t let this tragedy define him. The trailer ends with Keaton’s Batman and the Flash ‘parachuting’ from the Batwing.

While it would be easy at this point to write the film off from given DC’s transition to the Gunn and Safran regime (though it should Gunn has said this film still serves as a reset), this trailer represents what superhero films are all about. The trailer gives us a taste of Barry’s dilemma: what it means to make mistakes to carry pain to move forward even when it’s hard. Audiences have become so accustomed to formulaic superhero movies that it’s nice to see something grounded in emotion for a change. If this trailer is any indication, I hope the rumors are true that Muscuetti is sticking around in the DCU because it seems he has delivered a winner.

In many ways the trailer marks the beginning of the end of a long journey for this beleaguered film. After years of false starts and controversy surrounding Miller, it’s good to see the film finally arriving in theatres and I can’t wait to see the final product when it arrives on June 16th.

Has this trailer increased your excitement for the film or has Gunn’s upcoming DC reboot and Ezra Miller put you off of the film? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to Marooners’ Rock for more movie and video game news!

Brett has always been a huge fan of movies, particularly anything involving the DC Universe, Scooby-Doo, or gangster films. When it comes to gaming, he’s up for anything as long as it involves fighting games, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Pokémon. He likes pretty much anything, except pineapple on pizza. . . His ultimate goal is to be a novelist.

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