Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR launches July 13th for PSVR 2

Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR launches July 13th for PSVR 2

The Wolf is back. Taito and Microids unveiled the first gameplay trailer for Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR. This update of the classic light-gun shooter brings forth all the modern features one would come to expect. A new campaign, classic shooting action, and waves of bad guys await players in this grand return of the classic.

Mission Briefing

Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR is the comeback of the classic 1988 light gun shooter from developer TAITO. TAITO released the original in 1988, becoming a huge success in the arcades. The original was known for its frantic action and challenging level, giving players the sensation f feeling like an embodiment of Rambo and Chuck Norris. With this new update, the same classic gameplay returns, though it appears to be more self-aware this time around.

The trailer shows an orchestra of shooting and explosions. This is war through the lens of a classic video game. Helicopters can be fells by handheld machine guns. Hundreds of soldiers fill the screen and the enemy sends everything at the player. Tanks, artillery, choppers, the works. It’s a self-aware trailer, taking a brief pause to see adorable kittens, only to return to the chaos and the carnage.

A Genuine Classic

It’s total warfare the good old-fashioned way. The trailer shows multiple weapons from machine guns to a rocket launcher straight out of the classic action movie, Commando. The trailer also teased a wave-based arcade mode where players fight for the highest score. The same classic game is back for a new generation of players, but it brings far more than a fancy coat of paint. With six levels and an engrossing campaign, Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR is looking to be a Summer highlight.

Operation Wolf is an arcade game with fond memories. I remember playing it on the NES with the light gun attachment. I never got very far as the jungle level always proved to be too difficult. However, I credit the game with introducing me to light-gun arcade games. The trailer for Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR looks strong and solid. My only criticism is I wish the visuals adopted more of a nostalgic NES look to try and evoke the feel of the original. That won’t matter much when an attack helicopter flies overhead and a trust submachine gun can destroy an armored battalion.  Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR looks to light up the Summer in all the best ways.

Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission VR launches July 13th for all VR platforms, including PSVR 2. A non-vr version will become available later in 2023.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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