Valeria the Pagan Priesess announced by eastasiasoft

This old-fashioned metroidvania features a foul-mouth buxom vixen as a main character

Valeria the Pagan Priesess announced by eastasiasoft

It’s never a bad time to slay monsters and look sexy doing it. Eastasiasoft has announced Valeria the Pagan Priestess, a celebration of old-school dark fantasy anime on the likes of Berserk and Slayers. This hack-n-slash Metroidvania features a buxom warrior who is unafraid to strut her stuff across this mystical Metroidvania that combines RPG elements and old-fashioned combat.

A tarnished land

The news is accompanied by the Eastasiasoft Late Spring Showcase, which aired on Monday, May 1st. Eastasiasoft is lining up a variety of gems and Valeria the Pagan Priestess is one of them. In the spirit of 80s and 90s anime, where femme fatales bared it all to save the world, Valeria the Pagan Priestess puts players into a saucy warrior wielding two assets and two big swords. As Valeria, players trek across an unforgiving war of monsters and dark magic.

Players trek across a dangerous fantasy world. As players move across the lands, the fog of war dissipates. However, it reveals deadly monstrosities across various lands. Caves, ruins, acid pools, and so on dot the landscape. Fortunately for Valeria, this world works with the cardinal rule: What goes around comes around. Valeria can dish out magic and vicious combat. She can ride beasts and dance in a sexy hedonistic style. Valeria will be to be cunning and brutal if she is to stop a powerful darkness from destroying the land.

Bringing the goods

The crew at Eastasiasoft have been on the hunt for a unique portfolio of games that range from visual novels to platformers. In the past, the team has helped release spaceship shooters like Crimson Wing and sci-fi visual novels like Synergia. This latest batch of games is promising with Valeria the Pagan Priestess leading the way.

Valeria the Pagan Priestess is clearly evoking a game from a different but arguably better time period. It was an age where video games were allowed to be more free and untamed in their styles and attitude. They didn’t fall victim to the platitudes of a Twitter puritan that would scream at their smartphone about attractive characters being products of patriarchy, and accompany it with #WhereAreHerOrgans. The game unashamedly struts its stuff with an outfit straight from the buxom beauty anime Slayers and is accompanied by brutally fun combat. Valeria the Pagan Priestess has a ways to go before being finished but is looking to be an exciting time nonetheless.

Valeria the Pagan Priestess is now in development for PC and Console.

35. NJ-based. Video Game enthusiast that has embraced the world of video games and the wonderful people in them. Also big on anime, cartoons, movies, and conventions.

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