Adam Bankhurst

Adam has been writing about and playing video games for as long as he can remember. He is an aficionado of all things Chipotle, Disney, and Hibachi related and is the founder of Extra Life Columbus. He truly believes there is nothing better than playing games and healing kids! His favorite games include Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario World.

Official Reveal Trailer for Darksiders III Revealed

Though the reveal was leaked this morning by an early Amazon Listing, THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games have now officially announced their upcoming title, Darksiders III. The next entry in the Darksiders franchise will, in fact, release sometime in 2018 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The first details and trailer were revealed by IGN, as Darksiders III is their IGN First title for May. This entry will tak...[Read More]

Amazon Appears To Leak Darksiders III

Keeping anything a secret these days is a herculean task on to itself. THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games were a victim of that hardship this morning as Amazon has seemingly revealed that Darksiders III is headed to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It has a placeholder date of December 31st, 2018, and unlike other early listings, a few screenshots are included, as well as a product description that sheds light on...[Read More]

First Expansion Pack Details For Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Revealed

While we already know that two expansion packs are headed for the masterpiece of a game that is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, details have been scarce for what they will bring. Tonight, Nintendo has unveiled the first of two – The Master Trials, which looks to give us many more reasons to jump back into Hyrule when it launches this Summer, not that we ever left.



Puyo Puyo Tetris (Nintendo Switch) Review

T-Spins. 3-1 Stairs. These are just a couple terms that meant nothing to me before I began Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Nintendo Switch for the first time. Soon thereafter, I couldn’t stop chasing these elusive terms that, when completed, earned you a ton of points and helped raise your score just that much higher. Puyo Puyo Tetris is a game that is easy to understand, but if you let it, will be a game...[Read More]



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Snipperclips: Cut It Out Together! Review

When the Nintendo Switch launched on March 3rd, 2017, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild lead the charge. As many are beginning to say, including myself, it is a masterpiece and one of the best games of all time. While that may shadow some of the other launch titles, there are a few that truly deserve your attention once you finish your adventure in Hyrule or need a quick respite from facing ...[Read More]


Newest Star Wars: The Last Jedi Character Unveiled

At the Star Wars: The Last Jedi panel in Orlando, Florida, we were treated to a ton of new info on one of the most anticipated movies of the year. One of the more interesting pieces, besides the trailer and poster, was the announcement of a new character. Kelly Marie Tran will play a Resistance maintenance worker named Rose in the upcoming film.

First Trailer & Poster Revealed for Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I’m going to need a minute to gather myself after watching the first trailer for the next entry in the legendary Star Wars saga.

Launch Sales Announced for Nintendo Switch & The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

It goes without saying that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the Nintendo Switch have been flying off the shelves and taking up countless hours of gamers all across the world. How well have they been flying, you ask? Well, Nintendo has an answer for you.

BioWare Explains Future Changes for Mass Effect Andromeda

In the two weeks since Mass Effect Andromeda launched officially to the world, the reception has been less than ideal for developer Bioware. Sitting at a 71 on Metacritic, it is by no means a bad game, but many claim it does not come close to the grandeur and legend that has become the original trilogy. The bright side of all of this? Bioware and EA have the means and resources to hopefully fix so...[Read More]

Take A Look At The First Gameplay for Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to 2014’s fantastic Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, has a new 16-minute gameplay walkthrough. This first look at gameplay showcases the changes and improvements that will expand the breadth of the game and the famed Nemesis System. In Shadow of Mordor, the focus of the Nemesis System was mostly on enemies and revenge, whereas this iteration seems to bu...[Read More]

The Two Moments That Brought Me Into Gaming. What Are Yours?

Recently was my birthday. Having just turned 29, I began thinking of a piece to write that looks back and honors my history in gaming. My thoughts first went to figuring out why I love games so much, and it became quite clear as to what I wanted to write about. I wanted to go back to the beginning and reflect on the first two real moments and games that started me down a road I still walk today. T...[Read More]

Dirty Gaming Secrets: Gaming Classics I Missed Playing

Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Tetris; These are games that if you haven’t played, you aren’t considered a “gamer”. At least, that’s what some people want you to think. There are those games that are considered to be the “holy grail” of video games, and for one reason or the other you may have not had the pleasure of experiencing s...[Read More]

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